Part 1: Screw You

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"I've been tortured by the devil himself and this is what you've got? A cold shower?" The man snarled. You lent back in your chair, curious and yet dreading whatever was next.
There was a woman behind you, gun aimed at your head to assure you didn't try anything. Toni insisted you watched what was happening. You saw her walk on into view, her cold stare was even piercing through a screen.
She watched him as he began to shiver. You didn't want to, you wanted to look away, to find the water works and break the pipes. Something.

But you knew you had to watch.

Shivering, his soaking body leaned forward and he managed those same two words.
"Screw," He took a deep breath "You."

Without warning, Toni jabbed a needle in the side of his neck and within seconds he was out cold. You winced at the thought. Toni used the same routine with every one of them.

You felt a strong hand grab your upper arm and drag you into standing up. It was no use fighting at this point. They then tugged you along the corridor and threw open the door. There he was: his head hanging low, brown hair covering his closed eyes.
"Put her in the corner." Toni nodded towards the chains.


They snapped the harsh metal onto your wrists and threw you to the floor. Your scorched foot scraped against the dirty floor, stinging the wounds even through a bandage. You took in a sharp breath and closed your eyes, throwing your head back against the wall.
"Sweet dreams."

You watched. You did nothing but watch as the man heaved himself up on to his feet. One foot was bandaged like yours, the other just plastered in the dust and dirt of the floor. He had unintentionally ripped jeans, a dark checked shirt draping over his broad shoulders and just a little above the shoulder length shaggy hair that surprisingly suited him.
Feeling the harsh grip of the chains surrounding your wrists, you continued to observe him.
With the help of the chair -originally for you- he limped towards the trapdoor-like wooden panels. But they were as chained together as your hands.

You stay perfectly still. Only your eyes moved, following him hobble around the room.

Completely unaware of you slumped in the corner; he hit one of the doors with his fist and shouted. You sighed to yourself.
The dried blood tracing your face was uncomfortable to say the least. Your black eye was a constant reminder that you lost. You lost the fight and now here you were.

You murmured "I wouldn't bother.". His head snapped to face you instantly, clearly shocked by your sudden outburst. "Who-," He stumbled slightly so grabbed the wall to steady himself "Who are you?"

You continued to watch him with the same blank expression. Maybe not blank. Maybe just tired. He, however, looked evidently shocked and yet also curious. "Good question." You huffed.

"My name's Sam...Winchester." He said it in such a way, as though he expected a reaction when he added his surname. Instead, it just confirmed your suspicions.
"Y/N..." You whispered, looking away from him.
"When did you get here?" He asked, limping over to you. He crouched down as best he could in front of you, far more concerned about you than you thought he would be.

"Last night. You were unconscious..." you trailed off.

You answered him as best you could. He didn't deserve someone being uselessly vague at this point. His eyes noticed the bandage covering your foot, followed by his face dropping and his sympathetic eyes returning to look at you.
"How old are you?" He tilted his head, his eyebrows still knitted together.
You open your mouth to speak but the floor was taken by that wretched voice: "Morning all."

You scowl and glare at her, shifting slightly to face her general direction. The metal scraped across the floor in attempt to keep you down.
If it wasn't for those chains you'd be making a beeline for the door behind her. "Hello, Y/N. I see you've met our new arrival," She stopped on the last step to look between you both and smiled to herself "Look familiar?" She asked you, nodding towards 'Sam'.

"Piss off." You scoff, rolling your eyes.

"I presume she hasn't told you." Toni turned her attention away from you.

"She's just a kid." He sounded almost hurt by this. Confused.

"She's not a kid," Toni paused to eye you "She's your child." Toni said the words so clearly and loudly no one could miss it. You knew really. They'd been threatening you with the possibility of finding a Winchester for long enough. Especially the famous Sam Winchester. You stared at the floor, finding an interesting slate to stare at. Intense- you felt the silence staring you down.

"...What?" Sam...your dad...managed.

"You heard me." Silence. A sigh. "Does the name Rebecca Brooks mean anything to you?"

You almost looked up at the mention of your Mum. Despite everything, even though you knew it was her fault for getting you into this mess, her fault still missed her. You still wanted your revenge.
'Screw you' you thought.

"You're serious?" Sam sounded exhausted and yet so determined to distinguish the truth from the lies. You knew the feeling.

"Rebecca Brooks. Studying Zoology at Stanford University. You two had a one night stand. Of course you did. Two post hunters who'd but escaped the life- you understood each other." She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear to make herself perfect again. "It's a pity you forgot what protection was." You knew that was aimed at you but you didn't give her the satisfaction of reacting "No more than a month later she ran back to England. I may be manipulative, Sam. But I don't lie..." She paused and you felt her stare at you "I won't lie."

"I thought she just dropped out..." Sam mumbled to himself.

"No. She saw you with Jessica and decided it would be best to leave. Back to England. To raise a child without a father...She was brave." Toni moved toward the pair of you, she knew full well Sam wouldn't hurt her. Not with her partner in the doorway- armed. And not with you in such a vulnerable position.
You frowned...since when did Toni have any respect for your Mum? "brave". The word circled your mind. She was brave, but not in Toni's eyes. "Why did you say that?" You squint up at her, determined to find the answer.

"Say what?" She sounded taken back by your curiosity.

"You said she was brave." You stated.

"Oh. She was. We trained her well. It wasn't her that was the problem, Y/N. It was you."

You frown again: "Oh sure that clears things up." You mumble, rolling your eyes.

She stood above you, not bothering to crouch down to your level like Sam did. "I trust you're still listening." She said, holding out her taser so it was in your view.
You move your head to face her, glancing up through your fringe.

"Good." She jabbed the taser at your upper arm. Immediately, you flinched at the touch, your entire body trying to withdraw itself unsuccessfully.
But nothing happened. She hadn't activated it. "Screw you." You spat, eyeing Sam for a split second.

Laughing, she folded her arms over her chest and tilted her head slightly. "I'd have loved for your mother to see you now. What do you think she would say?"

"I doubt you'd listen." You roll your eyes.
Laughing under her breath, she nodded to herself. "Oh but we would. I would."

"I'm going to give you a chance to get to know each other. Then we can have some fun." Toni smiled before upping and leaving.
"Oh and Sam, there's a reason she's chained up and you're not." Sam's eyes traced the chains up to the wall "Physical strength isn't always the best asset...Even for a hunter."

The door closed, followed by the sound of keys, then a lock.

Silence took over the room. Maybe it was awkward. Maybe not. You were too focused on correctly assembling the information in your mind to notice. You knew someone had to say something.

"Are you really my Dad?" You asked quietly, you didn't realise it would come out as such a whisper.

'Why ask?' You thought. It would have made it easy for him to say no. But, you knew he was.
Your Mum always spoke about the 'American college boy'. But this was his chance to decline. This was his chance to shake his head. His chance to disown you.
Who knows, you might have taken it.

The man nodded. "I think,"

'Last chance' you thought, eyeing the cameras.

"Yeah. I think I am"

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