"Spots on?" Marinette was engulfed by a pink light and moments later she stood in her room in different clothes. She ran to her mirror and her jaw dropped. She had a beautiful red and black *cheongsam with patterns representing a ladybug. A yoyo was placed on her hip. Marinette turned around, "Tikki?" The kwami was nowhere to be found.

Marinette turned back to the mirror and only then noticed the mask. Her face was hidden. Marinette thought for a moment before reaching for her yoyo. She walked to her balcony and opened the double doors. She stepped out and peaked down to the garden. It was late and no one was out. Marinette got up and stood on the railing.

She looked at her yoyo and then threw it to a nearby tower from the castle walls. The yoyo wrapped around it a few times and Marinette tugged on it. She was immediately pulled towards the walls. She covered her mouth, trying to muffle a surprised yelp.

She landed rather quietly on the wall and the yoyo undid itself. Marinette looked back to see if anyone saw her, but the coast was clear. She turned to the outside part of the wall and smiled. She was finally going to be able to go outside the castle walls. Marinette swung her yoyo again, latching it to a nearby tree. Adrenaline was coursing through her veins and there was nothing stopping her now.


Not far from her was a prince in a similar situation as hers. He too was to be married against his will. Prince Adrien Agreste from France was sent by his father, King Agreste, to win the heart of the princess. However, Adrien didn't even get the chance to see her. He didn't want to honestly. He was only 15. He wanted to be free, not to be a king.

The same old man visited the young prince in his room, giving him a special gift much like Marinette. Adrien wasted no time in opening his gift. Unlike Marinette, he wasn't scared and didn't even bother for any explanation. He transformed and left the castle. His transformation was a black changshan with green patterns, the male equivalent of a cheongsam.

On his way out, he noticed another person. A young girl in a red cheongsam with black spots, presumably his partner. He saw her turn back to the castle before looking forward and leaving. In a state of curiosity, Adrien followed her.

The mysterious girl landed in a tree a distance from the castle and she stopped there. Adrien stared in amazement at the way the gracefully landed. This girl was enchanting. Adrien took out his staff and made his way over. He landed next to her, startling the girl.

"Wh-who are you?" she asked. Adrien smiled and took her hand, giving it a kiss. "I am Chat Noir," he winked. "May I know the same of the beauty standing in front of me?" Her cheeks turned red and she stuttered an answer, "L-Ladybug."

"Nice to meet you Ladybug. I saw you leaving the castle. Why is that?" Chat questioned. Ladybug froze in place. Someone did see me! Think of something! "O-oh, I um. I uh, work. . . there. I'm a maid f-for the princess," she muttered. Chat's eyes widened. "Really?" Ladybug nodded, "I-I don't want to talk about it. I just really wanted to leave for a while."

"How come?"

"I never get to leave. I don't have much freedom."

"Me neither." They both sat down below the tree. Ladybug turned to him. "How did you see me leave the castle?" she asked. Chat leaned back on his hands, "I was in the area." Ladybug hummed in response.

They talked for a bit more before they parted ways. This became a daily routine. The hunt for a husband for Marinette was to go on longer. In one of their conversations, Chat mentioned being there due to the search for a suitor for the princess. She didn't ask why he was there for that and he didn't state why either. All Marinette knew was she needed to extend it for as long as possible.

And so she did. Seeing all the princes took 2 days total. To make things longer, Marinette suggested spending time with each prince. She convinced her parents by saying it would give them enough information to see if he was fit to be the future emperor of China. Sabine agreed and Marinette was given a few more weeks with Chat.

During that time, Chat had made himself known as the "mysterious hero" after saving a few people from dangers. Ladybug remained hidden and in the shadows, only going out to see her beloved kitten.

Finally time was up for Marinette. It was time for her to choose a suitor. However, she didn't know who to choose. She had fallen in love with her partner and she didn't know who he was. He could be a prince or be a worker. The latter wouldn't be acceptable.

Marinette paced back in forth in her room. "What am I going to do? What am I going to do?!" Tikki sat on the bed, munching on a sweet. "Follow your heart, Marinette," Tikki said. Marinette stopped and turned to her. "I am a princess, Tikki. I have a duty and that is to marry and prince and become empress. But I'm in love with Chat! And I don't know who he is! I need to confess. I need to tell him who I am. I love him but we can't be together. Tikki, spots on."


Ladybug made her way to the tree they always met at and saw he was there. "Hey, chaton," she said, sitting next to him. "My lady! Nice of you to drop by. Why are you out? Shouldn't you be with the princess?"

Ladybug looked down, "About that. I have something to confess Chat." Chat sat up straight and placed his hand atop of hers, "You can tell me anything." Ladybug took a deep breath. "I'm Marinette, the princess of China. I have to choose a suitor but I'm in love with you!"

Chat stared at her with wide-eyes and a pounding heart. He had fallen in love with her too but refrained from telling her. He believed she was a worker and it wouldn't have been acceptable for him to be with her. But now she said she was the princess and she loved him. He wanted to say it so badly but never got the chance. Even then he didn't get the chance. Before he could return his love, she left in tears.


Marinette sat in her room in a red cheongsam made from the finest silk. She was moments away from choosing a suitor and ending up heartbroken. She heard a knock on the door and an escort walked in. "Your highness, it's time," he said. Marinette nodded, a blank expression on her face.

They both walked to the grand hall of the castle were all the princes waited eagerly for the princess to choose. Sabine and Tom sat on their throwns, patiently waiting for their daughter. When she arrived, the princes bowed and she took her seat.

As a guard read something Marinette completely blanked out, she looked around. She froze when she saw a familiar black changshan with green patterns. Her blue eyes made eye contact with familiar green eyes. Marinette felt her eyes water. It was one of the princes. Her beloved Chaton was a prince.

The guard finished what he was saying and turned to Marinette. "Her highness will now choose her suitor." Marinette stood up, her heart pounding. "Who is it you choose, Marinette?" asked the empress.

Marinette smiled, "Prince Adrien Agreste from France."


*cheongsam: traditional Chinese dress

I've seen a couple people that have done Royal AUs use kimonos but those are Japanese lmao

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