Chapter 10: Are you okay?

Start from the beginning

"Mark!" I whispered. He looked at me and smiled. "Mark!" I yelled louder. I was right, the man that saved me was none other then my best friend.

I jumped, my hands wrapping around his neck. He hugged me with the same enthusiasm as I hugged him. 

 After a minute I started to clutch my stomach I knew what that men't, it scared me. "Are you okay?" Mark asked. I just covered my mouth. "Are you okay?" He asked again, getting worried. I shook my head.

"Is it blood." He asked. My eyes started to tear. Mark knew what was wrong so he picked me up bridal style and rushed to the bathroom. problem was, he couldn't find the restroom.

"Where's the restroom?" Mark asked hurriedly, he just asked the first person he could see. The person he asked happened to be his father. Mr. Free pointed to the right and Mark took off with me in his arm.

We made it to the restroom. I was bent over the sink with Mark rubbing my back. I've only chocked on my blood about one billion times, but this time was bad. It wouldn't come out, tears started running down my cheek.

In a quick act, Mark put a hand on my upper back and one on my chest and quickly squeezed me. It hurt but it got the blood out.

It kept coming up, it disgusted me but Mark thought nothing of it. After a minute it stopped and I felt a lot better.

"You want to change now." Mark asked, I nodded and he handed me my bag of clothes and left the restroom. I got changed quickly into my jean shorts and Dokken shirt

Mark was out there waiting for me. The second he saw me, he ran over not letting me move and wrapped me in a warm, welcoming embrace. We just stayed like that, rocking back in forth in comfortable silence, well until I said something.

"I can't believe my first kiss was with some h*rny guy that was trying to rape me." I joked. Mark chuckled and looked down at me. "How would you feel if I was your second kiss." Mark laughed.

I jokingly gagged. "I would say you should be a comedian not a singer." I giggled because he usually uses the 'comedian' joke. Mark turned very serious as he looked at me. Out of no where Mark started to lean down towards me, instantly his lips connect to mine.

It wasn't a long kiss but it wasn't short. I closed my eyes and when he pulled away my eyes opened and looked at his blue ones. It was like our eyes had a conversation with each other, his eyes seemed to ask how we want to look at this, mine said in a friendly joking manner. He smiled and we both started to laugh.

"Since when do you two like each other like that?" Bruce shouted, amazed. Oh god he took that the wrong way. I noticed that Mark's band was with Bruce. How did they know we were over here.

"Were not." We both yelled back. The whole 'are you and Mark together' or 'I didn't know you and Mark were together' question is starting to annoy me. Mark finds it funny but like I said, it got annoying.

"Than why were you kissing?" Bruce asked. Both me and Mark sighed as we explained everything that happened. 

"How did you know we were over here?" Mark inquired. One of his band mate's answered, it was the other one I met. His name was Johnny Rod. "Your father told us." Johnny replied, amused. "Oh." Mark muttered.

"Oh yeah I forgot to introduce you to my band mates." Mark exclaimed. "You've already met our drummer Carmine Appice-" I waved. "-and you've met Johnny before to." I waved but Johnny grabbed my hand. Johnny was kind of the funny one, Carmine was the quiet one that kept the band in order.

"This is our rhythm guitarist/ songwriter Mick Sweda-" I waved at the brown haired guy who seemed quite friendly. I smiled back. "-and this is our guitarist-" The blond headed boy cut Mark off. "Dave Henzerling, your very pretty." Dave introduced himself, he took my hand and kissed it. I could tell he was the big shot out of them all. I suspect Mark is like there talks-person who is the one that talks for the band and a all there personality combined.

"Mark man, we need to go check in to our hotel." Johnny said. His band started to file out out, each member congratulating me and Bruce. Dave winked at me, I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

"I gotta go to, bye Mark. See you tomorrow and Lis, I cant believe we graduated." Bruce rushed and gave me a hug.

"Well you ready to go?" Mark questioned. I nodded and we started to walk out to his car. "You still got the corvette?" I asked. Mark looked at me like I lost my mind. "Of course I have it." He growled but I just laughed.

We got in the car and I saw a bunch of flowers. "Oh, I forgot to give you these." He handed me a boqua of roses than more and more. One from each band mate. "Seriously, two people I don't even know got me flower." I exclaimed. Mark just chuckled.

We had light conversation but after about twenty minutes we reached his house. "My father is asleep." Mark told me as we pulled into the driveway, there were no lights on in the house.

Mark got out of the car and so did I. For some reason that when I payed attention to his appearance. He had tight leather pants on with a studded belt, a white shirt that was tucked in and boots. (Picture above, one on the drum stand with a microphone in his hand.)

His hair seemed a tad bit longer. 

We started to clime the stairs to his well more our room now. I was so tired that I didn't even bother changing. I plopped down on the bed and watched as Mark struggled to take his pants on and put on sweat pants. He threw his shirt to the side and fell on the bed with me.

He yawned which caused me to yawn. I started to fall asleep when I felt a half asleep Mark pull me closer to him. I laid my head on his bare chest and he pulled me even closer, our bodies squishing with each other. I felt something in the pit of my stomach when he wrapped his arms around my waist, a feeling I've never felt with him. I got scared, real scared. My thoughts went back to earlier when he kissed me. I think I liked him kissing me, I got real real scared. What if I end up developing feeling for my best friend? I can't let that happenn



So that was real long. Whats true in this chapter is the names of everyone I named that are in King Kobra. I'm happy because I posted three chapters in one day, Yay. The picture above is of King Kobra, Mark Free is the one on the drum stage with a microphone. But other than that I don't have much to say other then have a nice day. Vote, Comment, Follow, and whats the point of saying Vote, comment and follow!!! 

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