Chapter 32: Following The Blood Trail

Beginne am Anfang

"Thank you for your help" Connor said grabbing her hand and helping April to her feet.
"Where do I go now? I'm not safe here..." she muttered to herself looking down shrinking her posture.

You walked up the the android taking out your wallet and some cash handing her about forty dollars in cash.

She looks at the money confused before glancing to you "Take it and go find somewhere safe. Either travel somewhere or stay at a hotel do as you wish" You told her still holding the money out for her to take.

She takes the money thankful tears come to her eyes as she looks at you whispering a small "Thank you..." as she took the cash.

"Stay safe" you smiled at her and she nodded making her way to the door and leaving the crime scene.

"Guys let's get out of here" You said aloud turning around and heading towards the door with both guys right behind you.

You and Connor said goodnight to Hank and went your separate ways.
As you drove Connor wanted to ask something.

"Why did you give her that money?" He asked you with curiosity. You didn't know her and yet you gave up money to help her in need.

"Well she reminded me of myself from back then when I met you and Hank. Scared and alone plus she is obviously traumatized she needed a picket up" You told him as you looked out the window "Geez it feels like forever since that time huh?" You said aloud as you saw the snow fall outside your car window.

"Yeah..." Connor muttered to himself with a smile slowly forming on his lips in thought.
"Hey (Y/n), I'm glad I met you" Connor said out of the blue.

You looked back at him "I'm glad I met you too Connor. I don't know where I'd be without my best boy" you smiled at him happily.

You both sat in a comforting silence and at one point you were surprised when you were resting your arm on the arm rest and Connor put his hand on top of yours.

Part of you enjoyed it even when he caresses his thumb against your skin in a comforting way so you didn't say anything.


You got out of your car and headed up towards your front door with you house keys in hand.

"(Y/n) there's been something I've been meaning to talk to you about..." You heard Connor behind you but you didn't respond when you saw a note on your front door.

You felt your heart go into your throat as your breath hitched.
You opened the note hesitantly and read it.

You read the message fear pulsing through your body.

The note read:

"Dear (Y/n) (L/n) and Connor, or should I say RH200 #983 637 379 and Rk800 #313 248 317 - 51.
I have a message for you:

Don't get in my way.

I'm going to get my revenge for the pain I've endeared because of that stupid android revolution.

I'll get you guys soon but I might come sooner or target the ones you love.
So if you try to get in my way keep that in mind :)

My regards:

The android killer (The name you guys gave me :))"

You dropped the note unlocking the door and ran inside.
You called for Teddy hoping the puppy wasn't hurt at all.
You run into Connor's bedroom to see Teddy sleeping on the androids pillow with his little squeaky cheeseburger next to him.

The puppy stirred from his sleep and jumped up to greet you.
You kneeled down and hugged the little golden dog happy the android killer didn't think of hurting your little Teddy bear.

You grabbed the puppy in your arms and headed back to the front door to find Connor.
He still stood outside in the snow reading the note with a look of determination on his face.

He looked up to see your worried face as you held Teddy.
He stepped into the house closing the front door throwing the note to the ground and pulled you in for a hug.

"Connor he's gonna target us..." you whispered fear in your voice knowing what this psycho was fully capable of and being able to cover his tracks.

"He's not going to get us" He whispered holding you close to his chest rubbing circles into your back.

"If not us he might go after Hank or Teddy..." You replied "I won't let that happen, it will work out and we will catch him" Connor reassured you.

"You should rest for now, it's been a overwhelming day" he whispered to you as he held you with Teddy still in your arms.

You nodded agreeing with him trying to break from his grip but you were caught off guard when he picked you up bridal style taking you to your room.

"You didn't have to pick me up, I could walk" You told him as he set you down in your bed letting Teddy out of your arms.

"I know but I took your mind off of the note didn't I?" He asked glancing at you.

"Yeah, Thanks...goodnight Connor" you said as he left the room.
He stood in the door gently smiling at you "Good night to you too (Y/n)" but before he closed the door he whispered to Teddy "Watch over her" before he closed the door leaving it cracked.

You changed your clothes and got underneath the covers falling asleep.

AN: Sorry I haven't posted this chapter would have came out sooner but my wifi has gone down (send help) and I haven't been able to edit this chapter properly I'll post the next chapter when my wifi is back and ain't shit.

Also this book has hit 10k!!! Honestly it warms my heart that anyone has taken the time to read this book <3
Thank you so much!

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙 ||DBH Connor x Reader||✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt