One Hell Of A Ride

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daggers P.O.V

I was back In my old room that was on the ark, hiding in the closet crying to myself..

crying for my momma....

 I was ten years old at the time and I was hella scared at the time because it was 12:00.

And everyone knows what 12:00 is....

The time the whole ark thinks that this place is haunted, hearing screaming and crying saying help me...everyone thinks that it is a ghost.

but its not any ghost

its me.

My thoughts wear interrupted  by the door busting open with a bang.




"GET OFF ME PLEASE!!!"I screamed and jumped from the dark past dream coming over me.

"hey hey calm down ok??are you ok??you crying in your sleep." jaha  had said to me with the sound of worry in his voice.

"yea...yea I'm ok just a bad dream." I said as I looked down rubbing my stomach in soothing circles to the now woken baby inside me.

"you sure..bec-

"I said I was fine ok!"I shot back at him as in the background is jahas fucking dumb speech and kids playing . But before I could get anymore riled up with this situation the drop ship started to shake uncontrollably causing me to become more afraid then I was the dropship rattled even more I could hear screams coming left and right making me hold onto my stomach covering it for protection.

What the hell is going on?!?

Where are we going!?!

are we crashing!?!?

my thoughts were interrupted by something heavy and mettle hitting me upside my head causing me to cry out in pain.

I tried to keep my eyes open but it was no use in trying anymore

I let the darkness consume me


"when is she gonna wake up??''

''is the baby ok??"

''what's wrong with her??!''

I woke up with a few different voices in my ear causing me to moan out load showing my appearance. I then felt a pair of  large hands rap around mine causing me to voluntarily squeeze  it back.

''she's waking up.''

I slowly opened my eyes waiting for my vision to come into focus seeing that everything was a my vision came into focus I saw faces that made my breath hitch as I realized who it was.

''hey D, you missed us.''

''JASPER!!!MONTY!!!"I yelled there names as I wrapped my arms around both of them as they were the people beside my bed and they gave the hug right back. But the hug was soon cut short when a wave of dizziness had taken over me causing me to groan

''woah easy, easy you shouldn't be moving this quick in your condition right now''Monty said as he rubbed my arm up and down.

"sorry its just that I haven't seen you guys faces in a while." I said as a tear slip out of my eye that I didn't even know was there, but the tear was happily wiped away by jaspers hand.

" you don't have to cry love, were here now that's all that matters" jasper said making me smile.

"thank you goggles."i said and they both stood give me a kiss on the forehead each making me giggle.

why is this passing my mind now??!!

"ummm guys.....where are we right now??"

"why this place..this is earth"

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