About a Year Prior

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Final exams were over!! I had finished 7th grade! I was so looking forward for summer break to start! I had to pack up my locker, take everything home, throw out all the broken pencils and other stuff that had been living inside this little locker for the past year. I was also looking forward for my relationship (flirty friendship) with Richard to move forward. I wanted to start to officially date him. And he had been trying to conquer my heart for the last eight or so months. He had told be he really cared about me. He had told me he wanted to be my boyfriend. I wasn't ready, or maybe I wasn't sure I wanted to be his girlfriend until the week before final exams. I had it all planned out. I would tell him that I did want to be his girlfriend right after we had finished the final exams.

They day I was going to tell Richard that I was ready to start dating him I wore this really cute black top, my nicest jeans and my black sandals. I wore a little eyeliner and pink lip gloss. I fixed my hair perfectly. I put on nice matching jewelry. I looked good that day! I felt ready and confident and I expected to have a boyfriend by the end of the day.

My last final was the advanced Spanish exam. I crushed it! I always got A's in Spanish class, it was an easy class for me. I probably was so good in that class because I had some top-notch educators since 5th grade. I liked Spanish class and I loved my teacher, Mrs. Feliciano. She would motivate me to write more poems and short stories. She would edit them for me, just because she wanted to. I mean, she didn't get paid for this, she just helped and motivated me because she was a good teacher.

As I stepped out from Mrs. Feliciano's classroom on the third floor and walked down the stairs to go get my belongings from my locker. But as soon as I got the first floor and walked down the hall and into the recreational area I saw Richard and Karly kissing on one of the cement benches in front of the gym.

I started to shake, I was in shock. And I was heartbroken. I started to cry, hysterically , and couldn't breath. I think I was having a panic attack, and apparently I was pretty loud because they stopped kissing and looked at me. They looked at me like — oh shit — she busted us! I turned away and ran back up the stairs and hid in the seniors chemistry classroom in the second floor.

"They won't look for me in here," I thought at loud as I hid behind a desk and continued to cry.

"My best friend just kissed the boy that had been flirting with me all year! She kissed the boy she knew I had feelings for. But worse of all he kissed her back," I thought to myself not realizing that it was almost 4 p.m and my mom was picking me up soon at the side entrance.

I pulled myself together, ran into the bathroom and threw water on my face. I wiped away my tears and I took a few deep breaths. I felt a little calmer now. I went downstairs and there they where, Karly and Richard "looking for me."

"Bernice I have to talk to you," Richard said. "I am sorry."

"Fuck you Richard," I yelled at him. "We are done, I have nothing else to say to you and I don't want to hear whatever it is you need to tell me. Good luck with Karly you will need it."

He sure would need some luck, if in his little mind he thought that she wouldn't cheat on him and break his heart. Karma is a bitch.

Richard stood there in his worn out blue Guess jeans and white Polo shirt, not saying anything back to me.

I turned around and Karly said something... but I couldn't even hear what she was saying. You know when you are so angry at someone and they speak to you but you can't hear it because all these other thoughts are going through your mind? That's how I felt. I was so angry at her that I literally wanted to pull her long black hair off and punch the shit out of her face. She had a strange look on her face. She wasn't sorry for what she had done, she actually looked satisfied as if doing this to me made her feel good. Well it did make her feel great actually. Hurting me gave her joy! Karly was simply put, a twisted girl.

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