Adrien had been startled by the photographer's outburst and he only managed to catch a glimpse of a girl being ushered into a dressing room.

The photographer walked over to his camera happily as he began to modify his equipment.

"Good news!" he spoke. "We got someone to model for you!"

Adrien smiled softly at the photographer's excitement. "That's great," Adrien replied.

"Is it a model I've done shoots with before?" he asked.

The photographer stood and tensed a little. "No, she's-" He was cut off by the sound of the door of the dressing room opening.

Adrien turned to look and his jaw dropped when he saw the girl walking out.

Her blue hair was down in soft curls and she wore a small black off the shoulder dress. The bottom of the dress hugged her curves and the sweetheart neckline showed off a bit of her flushed chest.

As she got nearer, Adrien took in the sight of her face. They were in a time crunch so instead of going with full face heavy makeup, the makeup artists went with makeup that enhanced her natural features. Her smoked out liner and long, dark lashes made her blue eyes stand out. The makeup artist made sure to use contour and concealer to help her natural facial features stand out. He even made sure to make her natural freckles pop out. Her lips were coated in a bright red gloss, making her lips look extremely kissable.

Adrien felt his heart pick up in pace and a blush rise in his cheeks. Who was this? He had never seen her before.

The photographer grinned from ear to ear and ushered both of them in front of the camera. "Ok, Adrien, I need you to sit down on the box and hold her by the waist with both hands. Miss, I need you to stand in front of him, your back to the camera, and a knee leaning on the box. Perfect! Now I need you to look down and Adrien, look towards the camera. Oh, wonderful!" The man snapped picture and after picture, complimenting the models.

After a few more poses, Adrien found himself a little too close to the blue-eyed beauty. She was leaning against the wall, her hands on his shoulders. He had one hand on her waist and the other leaning on the wall. "Yes! Give me passion!" the photographer said with a grin. Adrien's eyes met the girl's and his heart skipped a beat. She smiled and closed her eyes (as instructed by the photographer). Adrien found himself staring at her lips as the photographer took the picture. "This is it! This is the picture! We're using this one!" he exclaimed, turning to his assistant.

Adrien stepped back nervously, feeling his cheeks flushed.

The photographer excitedly walked over to Marinette, "You did wonderfully! Absolutely amazing! I am impressed, Miss..?"

"M-Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng," she spoke softly. Marinette... what a pretty name, Adrien thought.

"Ah! Miss Dupain-Cheng! I would simply love it if you modeled for me again!"

Marinette blushed and she tucked a hair strand behind her ear, "O-oh, I don't know th-this isn't really m-my thing."

"Nonsense! You make a wonderful model. Have my card. If you change your mind, give me a call." The photographer handed her the card with a smile. She took it and thanked him quietly.

Marinette turned back to him and she blushed a little. He had been staring at her the entire time. "S-sorry," Adrien said looking away. "I-it's ok," she muttered quietly. "You did a really good job. You mentioned that this wasn't your thing, was this your first time modeling?" he asked. Marinette nodded.

"I'm not a model. I'm actually a designer. My dream is to have models wear my designs, not to be a model."

"Well, you did a wonderful job," he said, a small blush on his face. Marinette smiled sheepishly, "Th-thank you. . ." Marinette looked at the clock hanging on the wall and her eyes widened, "Oh no! I was supposed to be somewhere else! I have to go! I need to go change. It was nice meeting you, Adrien!" She turned and quickly ran to the dressing room. Adrien waved goodbye, his heart pounding.


A few days later, when the ad hit the city of Paris, it blew up in popularity. Marinette had requested to stay unnamed and only the letter M was credited in the ad. Social media was going insane, wondering who the new secret model was.

Speculations began to arise. Was this Adrien's new girlfriend? How did someone no one had ever heard of before or even seen get to model with Adrien Agreste?

Adrien was bombarded with questions at school and by the paparazzi. He knew of Marinette's wishes to stay unnamed so he kept his lips sealed.

When he was alone in his room, he found himself staring at the pictures he took with Marinette. Her blue eyes and cute freckles took his breath away and he found himself thinking about her constantly. He desperately longed to see her again.

An idea popped into his head and he quickly made his way downstairs to his father's office. He knocked on the door and waited until he heard a "come in." He stepped inside and turned to look at his father.

Gabriel was sitting at his desk, scrolling away on his tablet. "Yes?" he spoke, not bothering to look up at his son.

Adrien cleared his throat and nervously spoke, "I'd like to make a request for my next photo shoot."

This got Gabriel's attention and he turned to look at Adrien with a raised brow. "And what is your request?" he asked. Adrien blinked in surprise, shocked that his father was entertaining the idea.

Adrien quickly composed himself before continuing, "I'd like to work with the same model as my past photoshoot. Despite being new, I thoroughly enjoyed working with her, even the photographer did. He adored her. The ad gained a lot of popularity thanks to her and I think it would be a good business decision for me to work with her again."

Gabriel stopped what he was doing and thought for a moment. "Very well, I will get Nathalie to contact Miss M. Is that all?" Adrien nodded excitedly, "Yes father."

"You are dismissed."

Adrien walked out of the office, trying his best to contain his joy. His father actually let him have control of something! Not only that, but he was going to see her again. He was going to see Marinette again.

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