"Angela is her mother?" I asked in shock. Everything that I had believed for years was just a lie. Ella could be my daughter... There was a chance to it... but where was Angela? Was she really taken away.

"Ella was right. Angela is her mother. She is part Warlock and part Shadowhunter." Alec said in shock and I sat down - and looked at Alec. This was impossible. How was this even possible?

"Alexander, it can't be. She can't be mine." I said and Alec looked at me in confusion - and anger. I sighed.

"Why not, Magnus? She clearly is part Warlock and part Shadowhunter." Alec said and I heard from his voice of tone that he was getting frustrated. "I haven't told you... but they died... in front of me." I said and all the memories came back from that day. The day I had lost my best friend and my daughter.

I woke up with an bad headache. I grunted and tried to stand up. I recognised this place. I was at Iris's. The women who got people pregnant against their will and would wipe away their memories afterwards. I stood up and saw Iris. She smiled.

"Magnus, you are finally awake." She said and I looked at her in confusion. "What am I doing here and how was this even possible?" I asked. I still remembered that I was with Alexander in a bar. We were celebrating that we finally had taken down Jonathan.

"You are the most powerful Warlock on this world. I had to use you for getting a child." Iris smiled and I widened my eyes. "Excuse me?" I asked in shock.

"Yes, Magnus. Now that Valentine is threatening our kind we have to build our numbers and having your blood mixed with an Shadowhunter we can make a powerful baby who could destroy evil." Iris said and I shook my head.

"Are you insane? The Shadow hunters are close on Valentine! You are breaking the accords!" I shouted in anger. Iris laughed. "Do you really think having an Shadowhunter boyfriend would protect you?" Iris asked and scoffed.

I clenched my jaw and let the energy source come out of my hand. I had enough of this women already. My power source hit her hard against the wall and I heard Iris grunt. "I will hand you over to the clave myself." I said and Iris chuckled. "Even if I have your precious daughter and best friend?" I heard her ask and my heart froze.

"What?" I asked in shock. She already did this. She already used my blood. Oh god, she used my blood on Angela...

"I only know where they are." She said and I held her neck with my magic. She tried to gasp for air but it did not work. She could do nothing. She was trapped by my magic and if she would not help me I would kill her by my own bare hands.

"Where are they?!" I asked in anger. She did not respond and I tightened my grip and Iris breathed out. "They are down in the room." She said and I pushed her out of the window and quickly ran downstairs.

When I came into the room I saw Angela holding a baby. She looked up and was relieved to see me. However, I was shocked and startled. I was sharing a baby with my best friend... The baby was beautiful and I could see it smiling already. Just like her father...

"Magnus, we have to go. Iris wants to use her as a weapon... Her group... The Darkness are already on their way to take her... We need to go." Angela said in worry and I nodded. Before I could do anything I was thrown against the wall.

"Do you really think you can deceive me that easily?!" I heard Iris shout in anger. I grunted and saw her walking towards Angela and the baby. I quickly stood up and took Iris by her neck and we both we out of the window down on the ground. I coughed and looked at Iris.

"I will never let you take my daughter." I said and Iris chuckled. "You have no choice. Someone even more powerful than me will come after her." She said and I frowned. "Her father won't allow it." I said in anger and let the power slip out of my hands but Iris avoided it. I sighed and looked at Iris.

I heard a loud bang and shocked I looked behind me. The house, the house Angela and my baby were in was exploded. The whole house was on fire. I couldn't see a gap where there wasn't. I felt my heart drop out of my chest. I did not even had a chance to hold her... I heard Angela chuckle and I turned myself around.

"You are dead!" I screamed in anger and let out the power I had release. I burned Iris and she went up in this air. She was gone and so were Angela - and my daughter... Defeated, I let myself fall on the ground. My best friend and my daughter were gone... My daughter...

Alec gasped when I was done telling my horrific experience. I could see that he had cried. The wetness on his cheeks showed it. "That's why Alexander, It is hard to believe..." I breathed out and after a long time I cried. I cried so loud that even people downstairs could hear us. Alec hugged me.

"But she is here. She is yours. I know it." Alec said and I sighed. I just wish it was true because finding out it she was not would break my heart. I loved Alexander, knowing that I have never told him he took it in and was comforting me about it...

[HEEEY! I hoped you loved the chapter or at least liked it hihi... What do you guys think of Magnus? Make sure to vote and comment!]

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