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In his state of drunkness that was taking over his consciousness, he goes towards the light and pushed onto the door. He fell and fainted on something. But darkness had consume him over.

(y/n)'s POV

The clock's ticking could be heard through out the shop. It was almost 12am. The male doesn't seem like his going to wake up any soon. I decided i should go to bed and wake up tomorrow morning to check on him.

I walked upstairs, passing my living room and going straight to my bedroom. I flipped the switch on, my dark room soon was brighten up by the light that was hanging from the ceiling. I quickly change to some more comfortable sleep wear.


Just as i was about to slip into the land of dreams then I heard a 'PANG'. Immediately I shot my eyes open, standing up and quickly grabbing a jacket to cover up my exposed (s/c) skin from the cold air that was bitting without hesitation. I ran downstairs and flipped the light switch on and was meet with the eyes of the dual haired male.

We stared at each other for a solid minute. I soon realized that i was actually holding my breath the whole time. I was so stunned on how beautiful his eyes were a rare combination i might say so myself, on his left side was a shade blue and on his right side it was a shaded grey. I inhale to get the oxygen that I was lacking.

The only think I could say at that moment was "you're awake"

Todoroki's POV

I slowly opened up my eyes to be greeted with a cream colored ceiling, although it was a bit dark i can faintly see the color.

Realization tooked over me when I look outside the window on how dark it had become. Quickly, I raised up from the bed and felt a bit dizzy from the sudden movement i made.

I looked around me "what is this place? How did i get here? "I asked myself.

I tried to stand up and walk but i guess it's the aftermath of the drink I had. I fell and reached the nearest table I could grab to stand still but my coordination wasn't good enough.

I mentally facepalm myself for not being cautious of my surroundings and will definitely not drink any alcoholic beverages ever. As I fell, I manage  to slip a metal tray with my hand from the table and a loud 'PANG!!' could be heard since it was very quite at that time.

3rd person's POV

The sound of footsteps were heard, they were coming towards the heterochromia male.

A figure steps it's way to the source of the sound that was made earlier. The figure flipped the light switch and the lights were turned on.

Todoroki adjust his eye sights as the poorly lit room was now brighten up.

He stared at the figure in front of him. Unable to move from the sudden appearance of girl, the girl said to him "you're awake". Before saying anything Todoroki tried to stand up again but almost fell again but this time was caught by the girl.

(y/n)'s POV

He tried to stand up but he almost fell. I quickly rushed towards him and held him close to me, in fear that he would hurt himself more if he fell.

He just looked at me. I didn't realize that we were so close until his warm breath touched my face. I then helped him to sit on the patient's bed, shrugging off the blush I had on my face. I stepped back to give him and myself some space. He seems unfazed from what just happened.

"thank you" he said bluntly. 'so he does talk' you thought to yourself. "No worries, it's my job to help others when they are hurt" I replayed to him kindly while giving him a soft yet genuine smile. He kept quiet.

The silence was killing me at this point so I spoke "I bet you have a lot in your mind, why don't we --" before finishing my proposal he cut me off saying "I need to get back home, what time is it?". I was taken aback by him casually cutting my sentence "It's midnight now" I answered him.

He stood up and this time he was perfectly fine. He started to walk towards the door and had put on his hood back. His face now was fully covered by the hood. I just noticed that 'he's leaving?' you thought to yourself. "Hey you're not fully healed yet" you stated the obvious, he was covered in bandages.

He looked back at me. "..." then he just walked away. I was stunned 'did he just left me hanging?' it kinda irritated me that he didn't actually say thanks to me for treating his wounds. "Arrogant much" i mumbled to myself.

Todoroki's POV

I walked out and away from that girl. I mentally note myself 'Potions and Medicines'. I was now walking through the silent road of the town.

~Time skip~

I made it to the castle. Luckily i manage to slip through some guards and got into my bedroom quietly. I tooked off the bandages that I just notice, the scratches and wounds  from the training and the brawl had completely healed. Tho the headache from the drink I had was still there.

Changing into my 'normal' clothes and then got into bed. But somehow i wasn't that sleepy like i thought i would be. A certain person was in my mind, a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and those bright (e/c) orbs she had. Shaking does thoughts away, I didn't realize I was missing something important to me.

(y/n)'s POV

"Huh". "what's this?" as i tooked the foreign object off the ground and examine it, maybe it belongs to that guy from earlier. In that case i should hold onto it until he comes back. If he comes back that is.

Little did you know you'll be meeting that person not too far in the future.

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