Chapter Twenty-Three

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After my little meltdown on the bus, things returned to normal. Or close to normal.

Harry and I don't talk. Actually, Harry doesn't talk to anyone except Sabrina. It makes me sad to watch him be depressed instead of his normal cheeky self. I feel terrible. Everyone is mad at him. No one bothers to invite him anywhere. It breaks my heart to see his normally bright eyes dull, and he doesn't stand up straight.

God, Adriene. Why do you have to care about him?

"Can you believe it?" Zayn said. "In ten hours we will be doing our second to last show."

We were sitting in the lounge of my hotel room watching t.v. We are in L.A. right now, and it's nine a.m.

Zayn had his arm around my waist, and I snuggled into his chest. "I know. Tomorrow we'll be on a plane back home. It's crazy how fast these six months have gone by."

"What do you want to do today?" He looked down at me. Its crazy how I can still get lost in his brown eyes.

"Beach? With everyone?"

"Sure. When do you wanna go?"

"Two hours."

"In two hours?"

"Yep!" I said, popping the 'p'. "You go tell the boys, and I'll get the girls."

"Okay." He gave me a quick kiss before leaving the room. I ran into the bedroom where the five other girls were.

"We are all going to the beach in two hours!" Everyone cheered, except Sabrina of course, and got up to start getting ready. We were all sharing a room this time.


Once we got to the beach, it was like it's been lately. Everyone except Harry and Sabrina hang out and have fun, while they just sit somewhere.

I was definitely having fun. But the entire time I could see Harry, his eyes with no emotion.

It shouldn't, but it broke my heart.


"Thank you all! We love you!" Harry screamed. His green eyes were how they used to be, sparkling and full of life.

The boys ran off stage, and instantly Harry slouched, his eyes going dull as Sabrina linked arms with him.

I kissed Zayn as the other girls greeted their boyfriends.

"SO!" Camille screamed, making us all jump, "Where are we going to celebrate?"

"Beach!" I screamed.

"But we just went!" Zayn said.

"Yes, but it's our last time before we return to beach-less London." I pleaded.


"Beach Part-ah!"

"Beach palooza!"

"Beach at night!"

"Yay! We're going!" I screamed.

"Excuse me, but only the girls agreed." Liam said. As if on cue, all the girls turned and gave the pouty face to their boyfriends.

"Fine." They all chorused. This resulted in cheers from the girls.

I ran over to Paul, told him the plan, and then ran over to the stylist.

"Hey Emmalie, can you do me a favor?"

"Sure." she said.

"Okay, will you get clothes, comfy clothes, for the eleven of us? We are going swimming!"

"Sure, but how will I get into the rooms?"

I put my hand on Paul's shoulder. "He has a key that gets into all the rooms."

"Alright!" Emmalie clapped her hands together. I ran over to the group.


When we arrived at the beach, everyone except Sabrina and Harry went in. They just sort of sat in the sand.

Speak Up, Sing Out (A One Direction Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن