"You ready? You got everything packed? Your health kit? Your money? Your-"

"Mom.. I'm not a child anymore.. don't worry about me.. Yuri-nee-san and Dad will be there.." I reassured her.

"Ok, right.. hop in.."

And I went inside our car and our butler Johnson, drove it.

"To Camp Buddy, John.." Mom ordered.

"Yes ma'am.." and we drive and drive until we stopped at camp buddy-


"Mom.. are those the campers?" I pointed at the boys who were standing infront of the entrance.

"Yes, dear.. I don't know why are they're standing there, but, I think Goro informed them to give you a pleasant welcome greet, as a first impression. Isn't your Dad great?" Mom asked.

I'm not ready to face all of them!

"Y-Yeah!" I just agreed and shooked my head.

We stopped at the entrance, and Johnson opened the door for Mom was in the front seat.

Dad was with the campers too. He walked up to Mom and kissed, like a greeting kiss, that couples would do.. normally.

And I noticed the campers were shocked.

And I saw the man I was looking forward to see..

Yoshinori Nagira..

I could felt my cheeks burn as I cupped my cheeks.

And finally Johnson opened the car door for me to get out.

And Dad said.

"Campers, this is my daughter, Y/n Nomoru. Say hi to them Y/n." Dad asked me.

"H-Hi! Nice to meet you. I hope we could get along." And I smiled like naturally when I greet people.

And the campers' eyes were stuck on me.

"A-a-a-a girl?!" The camper with an orange hair gaped when he looked at me.

I was frightened a bit.

"Akiba! Treat my daughter well!" Dad shouted.

"D-Dad.. no! I-It's ok.. it's fine.. who wouldn't be suprised to see a girl joining a all-boys camp? And I guess you haven't told them that a girl would be the one who's gonna join?" I asked Dad.

"Goro. Take care of Y/n. Don't let her be hurt.. or else.." I felt mom put a glare in her sentence.

" I felt mom put a glare in her sentence

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"Y-Yes.. dear.." Dad nervously said.

And I noticed the boy with a brown hair and a green bandage on his right cheek, was taking some pictures.

I looked down, I don't want my face in a picture like this.

If I'm going to take a picture, I need to wear a formal attire, not this.

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