Chapter 5: Volleyball

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"VEIL!!!.. veil?! Is veil here with us?" Our PE teacher called out for attendance. Everyone stared at each other and just kept quiet. Mr. Alvarez sighed and clicked his pen. Ready to mark it absent.

"Wait! I'm here!!!.." I slammed the door open, startling everyone with the sudden bang.

I rushed towards mr. Alvarez and held my hands up. "Im here! Sorry I'm late." I huffed as I tried to regain my air.

"I'm here too!" Angel catched up to me and everyone looked at her in awe then turned back to mr. Alvarez. He then cleared his throat and spoked up.

"Okay, Veil and Ashwell are now here, we should start the activity!" Mr. Alvarez spoked.

"Now I need you to divide yourself into two groups! I'll count up to 30 seconds!"

Everyone then started to go near their circle of friends as they teamed up together. I noticed that angel was being lonely again, seeing that everyone seems to ignore her and no one invited her to any group.

Sighed, I once again approached her and tapped her lightly in the shoulders. She then turned to look at me. When she saw me, relief shown through her eyes. "Z!!!..." She wined as she hugged me.

"Nobody invited me to their group!"

"I know, and that's why I'm here to help you look." I grin at her then I turned my eyes to a certain person. I looked around if I could somehow spot Roger, Josh or Van.

When I noticed Josh's head sticking out from my crowd of classmates I called out to him. "Josh!!!..."

He then turned around and spotted me, he smiled and me and Angel approached him. "Z!!.. what's up!" Josh asked as he saw me and angel.

I chuckled awkwardly." a another room for your group? Me and angel here got no place to go to." He then turned to look at angel and eyed her up to down. I noticed his behavior and extended my hand to his face and snapped my fingers.

"Hey! Hey...don't check on her you perv.." I whispered to him and he started blushing. "What? No...I wasn't." He rubbed the back of his neck as he avoided my eyes.

I Arched my brows at him and spoked in disbelief." Yeah right as if."

He then sighed. "Fine you caught can join my group." I smiled happily. "Thanks!"  I noticed that Roger and van are not in our group so I decided to ask Josh.

"Hey josh, where's Roger and van at?"

"Oh.. about that..we had a little bet earlier that which team loses, they'll automatically do what the other team orders."

"And.." I eyed him suspiciously. He then pointed to the other group and their I saw Roger flirting with the girls while van is doing stretching.

"And I'm against's kinda bit unfair cause you know, their teaming up against me." He chuckled softly. I sighed and gave him a fist bump in his biseps. "Its okay cause you have me! Let's show them who's their daddy is!"


"Now that your divided by two groups, I suppose that you all get what I've teached you about the rules of this game!" Mr. Alvarez exclaimed waiting for any idiots that would raise their hands for objection so that he could slam his water bottle at their face.

Everyone was quiet so he proceeded. "Are all teams ready?!.."

"YEAH!!!..." Everyone shouted as we all faced each other.

"Alright! Teams go to your positions!" We all went according to what we had planned beforehand. Josh as an experienced volleyball player decided to take action and became our team captain.

"You guys ready?" Josh smiled enthusiastically. "Ready!" We replied with excitement. Mr. Alvarez took out his whistle and blowed it. Signaling us to get the game started.

I was the first person to serve the ball. I slammed a couple of times to the ground as I ready myself. I took a deep breath Then I grabbed it and throw it upwards...I jumped up and used all my strength to slam the ball to the other side of the court. The impact was strong enough to make a gosh of wind. The ball slammed itself to the other side as it bounced back rapidly. No one was able to block or serve it up again. Everyone looked at me in shocked as they stared at the now flattened ball.

Every one was silent until Mr. Alvarez blow his whistle. And gestured his hand to our court. "Score goes to Team Josh!" Our team then started to shout in amazement as the other team stared at us in shock.

"Wow!.. didn't know Z could do that." Roger muttered in shock. Then he gulp when he realized. "Jesus...think of me getting hit with that serve...I'll be dead before I even hit the hospital."

"I think we just underestimated our enemy." Van quietly muttered and Roger turned to look at him. " your speaking now huh?"

Van then glanced at him and frowned. "Come on..I do have a mouth..can't I use it sometimes."

The game continued on as our team takes the lead. In the next round another batch of players where sended. Josh and I where now seating in the bench as I took out a towel to wipe of the sweat and angel came up to me and held out a water bottle.

"Thanks!" I took it and dranked it as she went to Josh and gave him another water bottle.

"Phew!! that's refreshing!" I exclaimed as I relax on the bench. Josh then turned towards me. "Hey z!"


"Did you ever played volleyball before? Have you been to any group so far?" He asked curious. I scratched my head as I tried to remember anything.

"Hmm...nope." I replied and gave him an innocent smile. "But I do have an experienced of throwing things upwards and slammed it right through someone's face." I laughed.


"Achoo!.." Zack sneezed as he took out a napkin ang wiped of his nose. He could feel a little down his spine. Zack's friend turned to him in a puzzled yet concern look.

"Are you ok bro?"

"Yeah...just got this feeling like someone was trying to mention my name." Zack furrowed his brows and a certain image of his little sister zoomed in his head. Holding a knife with a pair of blood red eyes and has horns sticking out of her head.

Zack then shivered as to imagine his demonic sister. "Dear lord...please guide me on my way home."

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