Prologue: A Royal Wedding

Start from the beginning

"Mario...why didn't you protect us?"


"Mario! Help!"

"Hey! Wake up you stupid hero!"

"Mario...wake up. The Mushroom Kingdom needs you. You are our hope and new guidance for the world."

"PEEAACH!!!!!!!!" shouted a man with a mustache who was wearing red pajamas with an M on the back. His breath was heavy, and he could feel his heart beating loudly and fast than normal. He was sweating horribly, like he just ran a marathon and not taking a single break. This man is known as Mario, hero and protector of the Mushroom Kingdom and clearly he didn't begin his day like he wanted.

"Just-a dream, huh..." said Mario while wiping away some of the sweat. He turned around and saw that it was already daylight, but what was different is that he saw many balloons being lift up in the sky as well as some fireworks with some raising flags.

"Big bro! What-a happened?!" said a man in green who was wearing a green fancy tuxedo suit with a black bowtie who had an L on it. This man is Mario's younger brother, Luigi.

Both of them are the Heroes and protector of the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario, he is the protector of the Mushroom Kingdom, known in almost if not, every part of the world by his heroic actions across many lands, worlds, and even dimensions. There is not a single person who doesn't know who Mario is...his actions says more than words some people say and that case it is true. Whenever the Princess is in trouble or even the Mushroom Kingdom is in danger, Mario will jump at the job and face the danger to make this Kingdom safe once again. Mario is known by facing every monster, or evil that attacks the Mushroom Kingdom or even other places. However, being a great hero doesn't neglect the fact that there are people who try to do harm to the hero, and that's where Luigi comes in. Mario has been a target on more than one occasion and several of those, his younger brother will always save him and be there for him even though he is mostly afraid of a lot of things, he has a great heart and will brave through those dangerous stuff before even considering leaving him alone. Today was a huge day in fact for the Mushroom Kingdom, and it seems that our hero quite doesn't get that until...

"Luigi...its-a nothing bro. Just...having a bad dream that's all. Shouldn't have eaten all that pasta last night." Said Mario with a little smile, but something deep down in him kind of tell him the opposite.

"Oh...that's good, but...YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE! Where is your suit?!" said Luigi still in his worried tone, but this time he was sweating more than his brother.

"Suit? What are you talking about, bro?" said Mario still a little bit sleepy and getting up from bed.

"Mario!! You're kidding right? Your wedding!! We have like one hour and half to prepare everything! Oh boy, I hope Wario is already in the Castle..." said Luigi while searching for Mario's suit on the closet.

"Wedding? Prepare everything?" said a still sleepy Mario trying to process everything. The one second passes....then another... and finally


"MY WEDDING!!! OH GRAMBI! OH GRAMBI!!" shouted now a fully-awake Mario as he jumped towards the closet which knocked Luigi into the ground from the collision.

"Ooof! Finally you're back to Earth." Said Luigi while adjusting his suit making sure it wasn't ruined.

"I found it bro!" said Mario as he popped from the clothes and his suit was on top of his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2019 ⏰

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