Prologue: A Rogue's Welcome

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Ahem! So...I'll tell you about a story. A story of legend, myths, secrets, and power...a tale that will haunt the world for ages...centuries even. A tale of a great cataclysm that haunted a once pride town full of life. This cataclysm which led to a rumor...about a great treasure hidden in the depths of a ruin...a ruin that once...was a beautiful city.


I'm going to tell you the story...of the Thousand-Year Door and the Crystal Stars.

The stars are known on having a lot of concepts, millions actually...when it comes to its origins, nobody knows where they came from. Some people theorize that it was just an explosion between elements; other confirms that they are creations of the above; other simply states that they are there just to be there while the few believes that it represents the souls of many good people who made a change for the good. Me? I personally think that they are what people think they are...but if I have to pick, I'll say that they act as guardians. The Crystal Stars prove that in a little town called Rogueport. This town is where our story begins... it all happened....

An awfully time ago with the loss of a belief, the Thousand Year Door. The belief in a small town where all people lived peacefully and being called "a prosperous town reigned by peace and justice", for many decades. But all that change, when one day tragedy befell to this blessed place. Darkness filled the place, the earth roared, the skies were full of rage, all the flora was dying, many peaceful citizens changed into vicious criminal looking a way to survive this sudden change, and worst...there wasn't a single trace of hope glimmering in the nights. It was like the very ending of the world finally came into a violent way. All in a single night, the prosperous town sank into the depths of the Underwhere. The rest of the world could feel the vibrations of that night, and even winds were feeling something was wrong. A dark sensation that changed that town was felt in the entire world, and not a single soul could tell if they will suffer the same fate, or even worse. Astronomers were looking at this catalyst and were stun to see that not a single star could be visible; many other astronomers gathered as well, and confirmed that same thing. It wasn't an ordinary phenomenon, but despite their best efforts they couldn't tell if this was a good or bad sign. All they could to wait.

Many moons rose and set, and few by few the stars began to appear. The prosperous town changed and it wasn't the same since that fateful night; many criminals began to rise, the order was altered, justice was corrupted, and the only way to make a living was to survive. The stories of the town passed into the pages of fairy tales, the town no longer held relics of the past, and many people began to build another town in hopes to make a better change. This change only led to sea commercial being popular, but something began to catch the attention on many people worldwide. A rumor that could make simple novices takes leadership and tries to find the truth. This rumor was that very deep underground, the ruins of the town were still laying on the sea...not getting the rest it deserved a long time ago. A treasure lying on its ruins, hidden very well on a mythical and mysterious door that no people or even a being have seen. A door...that only responds with a great power that four...gathered one day, and possibly the reason why everything changed. A power that was scattered in the entire world with its only source on finding this so-called power...gone. Many people tried, but never came back. Time passed, and they lay rest on this rumor, but few are still trying...they still believe that in order to get complete to find the origin of this town.

As the rumors dispersed...the Stars were forgotten in time. Nobody knew...nobody heard anything about it. The Crystal Stars were lost...once again...but the few who knew...the true. The few...who knew what the Stones really were... The few....who knows the key of mass destruction...yet also....the key to the ultimate treasure.

Paper Mario Tales: The Spiel of the Thousand Year DoorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ