Chapter 3: High school

Start from the beginning

"What's Harry Potter doing in my classroom?"

I heard the boy seating beside  me chuckled. But when he noticed me staring at him he immediately cleared his throat and look straight.

"Alrighty everyone! I'll welcome you personally to Delium University!" He smiled as he eyed everyone inside the classroom. He then turned towards the board and pulled out his marker and wrote.

'Hairry Pottah'

"First of I'm gonna introduce myself, I'm Mr. Hairry Pottah! And I'm gonna be your class adviser starting this day until the end of the semester." He smiled.

"Hairry Pottah? What's with that name...sounds like it's been ripped off from the movie Harry Potter." I muttered and once again I heard the boy beside me chuckled again.

"Alright class, I'll be taking down attendance, say 'present' if your names called!" He exclaimed and took attendance, once we was done he started off to start his lecture.



The bell rings, indicating that it's lunch  time. and our science teacher dismissed us. I stood up from my seat and made my way to the cafeteria.

When I entered the cafeteria, my eyes widened when I saw the place. It looked like a high class restaurant. Every table is elegant and we'll decorated. Students orderly lined for their orders. While some where eating along their circle of friends.

I decided to take my order and after that I looked around for any vacant chairs. I saw a vacant one right around the corner. I headed my way there and settled my food on the table.

As I was about to chow Down to my meal, I was stopped by a sudden tap on my shoulder. I turned around them and saw the same boy beside me in class.

"Can we sit with you?" He gave me a toothy grin as he pointed along his two other friends.

"Sure. Help yourselves." I replied and they seated.

"Sorry if haven't introduce ourselves...I'm Roger Drift. And this guy with a Black hair here is Josh Edlem...and lastly my boy Van Buren!" He pointed at the two boys beside him as they waved hello to me.

"My name's Zenith Veil. You can call me Z! Pleasure to meet you guys!" I smiled and waved at them.

"So Z! What school were you from?" Roger asked as he took a bite at his burger.

"Frel Middle School. And you guys?" I asked as I took a sip on my juice.

"Oh, we actually had our middle School here in Delium University." Josh spoked.

"Heh...your to loyal to your school." I smirked trying to tease them. Roger then chuckled."'s not what you think...we all had our reasons to be still here you know." He smiled.

"Yeah! Like it's the most nearest school to my house." Josh explained. I noticed that the other one was quiet.

"Hey Van! What's sure are taking your precious time swallowing your lunch aren't you."

He then suddenly chocked on his food but then I immedietly passed him my water bottle. "Drink it, it'll help." I instructed him and he chugged the whole thing.

"Better?" I asked waiting for him to speak. But he just nodded and didn't even spare a glance or thank you in my face. And continued eating.

"Hey Van...are you not the type of person who socialize much?" I asked him but he didn't respond. Ok I'll be taking that as a yes.

"Don't even bother Z, he doesn't open up to people to easily." Roger sighed. "Yeah...we even took 1 month to finally hear his voice in our first meeting in middle school." Josh agreed to Roger and suddenly Van punched them in the head.

"Ow! What's that for man! Have you gone mad?" Roger complained as he rubbed his head. Van just huffed and stood up from his seat and decided to head back to class.

"Um..are you guys alright?" I turned to look at Josh and Roger. "Yeah!" They both synchronizingly spoked.

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