Aphmaus sleepover

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Anna's POV

It was currently saterday I was led on bed watching Netflix when I got a text off aph

A- Hey Anna I'm having a pool party then a sleepover at my house my mums out of town and she said I was allowed do you want to come

AN- I would love to come I'll be at yours in 10

A- ok see ya soon

And with that I started packing a swim suit and an over sized shirt because I'm not body confident at all if it's just aph then I'll be fine. When I got to aphs she put my stuff in her room and said I could get dressed in her bathroom since other people would be going the the room so I start to put my two pice on

 When I got to aphs she put my stuff in her room and said I could get dressed in her bathroom since other people would be going the the room so I start to put my two pice on

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I walk down stairs think none else is here and walk over to pool just to find out it's just me aphmau and laurence...
I haven't seen laurence since he left blushing in school. Aphmau saw that I looked shocked and came up to me
"You ok u look shocked"
"Yep just glad he hasn't noticed because I haven't got my shirt on it's upstairs" just as I say that he looks over and looks like he's seen ever a goest or an angel not sure soon after aph went to meet the others since they couldn't find her house Sao it was just me and laurence I'm the back garden their was an awkward silence about and he broke it "Hey I know you saw me blushing when I walked away it wasn't anything wired it was just you looked beautiful" he says looking me straght in the eye then leans in as do I unroll we heard the door shut so he pulls me and himself in to the pool and mouths sorry I get what he was doing because he didn't want them to see. I'll get them back for interrupting that

Time skip to when everyone finished swimming

I was looking at my phone and found theirs some fireworks going off at 10 in the park next to aphs house I tell the others and we got some blankets and went out side since it was 9:59 so no time to change their wasn't enough blankets so I went without one the fire works we're starting and I was shivering someone and put half a blanket round me I looked up and it was laurence he raped his arm around my waist and I rested my head on his shoulder this was going to be a good night

Time skip to after fireworks

After the fireworks everyone went in and got the air bed out
"Um guys theirs one less bed then we need and I counted the couch anyone wanna sleep on the floor" she asked bad before anyone could speak
" I'll shear with Anna" Laurence speaks up my face goes red but I don't say anything
"Anna are you ok with it" aph asked I just nod
"Ok who wants to play a game before bed" everyone agrees and we end up playing truth or dear we all sit in a circle and aph starts " Kaitlin truth or dear"
"Dear I ain't no cat" we giggle knowing what she meant
"I dear you to sit on travis's lap for the ready of the game" she agrees with hesitation

She's Looking to happy to be mad about it as it finally went around it got to me "Anna truth or dear?""Truth"I answer simply"Do you like a anyone In this room"Aph gives me a wired look I don't want to answer so I pick for-fit "not answering I'll d...

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She's Looking to happy to be mad about it as it finally went around it got to me "Anna truth or dear?"
"Truth"I answer simply
"Do you like a anyone In this room"
Aph gives me a wired look I don't want to answer so I pick for-fit "not answering I'll do the dear insted"
Aph gives a bother wired look but with a smirk "sit on Laurence's lap till after snacks" I look at her then laurence and back to her I didn't want to do it but I did want snacks so I got up moved his arms since he was on his phone he looked at me confused and I mouthed sorry and I sat on his lap he whispered in my ear"was it a dear or was it free will" I couldn't see him but I knew me was smirking "it was a dear ur not in my good books you got me to sleep with you in the same bed" I answer him he whispers for the last time "we're on the couch I find it a win win" after that aphmau goes and gets snacks so we can watch a film since it's only around 11:30 and we didn't feel like sleeping but laurence must have forgotten I was on his lap because he tryed to get up from the little Christ we were sat on and we fell him on top of me and me blushing really hard "ow my head" I then reulised I hit my head on the table and it was bleeding a bit "omg Anna are you ok I'm so sorry, aphmau get the first aid kit" aph came running through with her first aid kit as I was saying"it's ok laurence u must have just forgotten I was their" I give him a warm smile while my head was being lifted up and put on a pillow after that their was a sting on my head it was just aph cleaning it up then I was fine we watch a film and I was still sat on Laurence's lap I feel someone head lean on me and laurence is asleep I get garroth to help me lay him down and I go sit on the the floor next to garroth after a bit everyone goes sleep and I get up and go get some water when I feel a pair of arms around me from behind
"Why u not coming to bed" a tired voice saying it's laurence I turn around and say "u were asleep and I needed a drink I'll come now" I put my cup down and he's still hugging me I turn back around to his lips meeting mine soon I melt into the kiss but we stop I open my eyes and look at him confused "I'll save the what happens next for another day but for now let's go bed it's late" before I could say anything I'm carried away bridle style and led on the couch (which isn't facing the others because we moved it so theirs enough space for everyone) I then feel him led on me "if you want it you can have it"he whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine I just nod we end up making out but we stop lay down and laurence raps his arm around me and I cuddle in to his chest can't wait for another sleepover "night laurence"
"Night sweety"

-athours note
A bit of things happend at the end but who would think laurence is so nice see you in the next chapert thanx for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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