Ch.1 is this real?

Start from the beginning

He saw a large, muscled man with dark black hair and red eyes wearing an extremely black outfit, with the only colour on the leather biker stereotype being his metallic belt buckle. The female looked like she had stepped straight out of a modeling magazine with blonde hair, dark grey mascara, yellow eyeliner, bright purple lipstick, and sprinkled pink blush on her face. Her dramatic curves and long legs were accentuated by a velvet sundress and dark red high heels.

Looking at them, he could practically feel the rage exploding from the two people who were behind light cover provided by trees.

"What is this!?" The red-eyed man bellowed, "There's a camera! How did you not notice when you took this thing!?"

"How was I supposed to know he could make a camera that small!?" said the wide-eyed girl looking at the camera with an accusing gaze.

"We're probably being shown all over Olympus again... I bet Hephaestus planned for you to take it," the walking biker stereotype said as his eye twitched in anger. He roared, snatching the bracelet from the woman, ripped the camera off and threw it far into the distance. Percy's eyes followed the fall of the bracelet and noticed it land in a bush only a few feet away from his bench.

Percy, still looking towards the bush, heard the man growl again. "We are going to Olympus. We have to deal with his prank, again." Following his words he clutched the woman and then there was a flash so bright, that even though Percy wasn't looking in their direction, he still felt blinded by it.

Turning to see where it came from, he saw no one there. The man and the woman had just disappeared in thin air. Shocked, Percy turned, trying to find where the couple could have possibly disappeared to, frantically looking around and finally deciding to wait and see if the two would return.

After waiting with baited breath to see if the couple would come back, he dashed towards the bush, finding the bracelet without a mark on its surface.

Oddly, there was an indent on the trunk in the exact shape of the bracelet. Though Percy was confused as to what the hell the bracelet was made of, he was glad it didn't get stuck; otherwise, he'd have had a lot of trouble getting it out of the tree.

Percy let out a small gasp as he finally got a good look at the bracelet. He was honestly surprised the man threw it away; it definitely had some work put into it. With its silver outline and black diamonds embedded into the pattern on the rim of the bracelet, it was crafted by someone of immense skill.

'It's beautiful,' Percy thought, reflexively slipping the bracelet onto his left arm. Suddenly he felt a pressure building up on his wrist.

As he looked at it he noticed the bracelet began shrinking until it fit snugly upon his arm. Lifting his hand and letting sunlight shine on the bracelet he saw it shimmering in an unusual way before his head became lighter. The last thing he remembered was the ground rising to meet his face as everything turned black.

Percy woke up with a splitting headache. He shifted around so that he was sat with his back to the tree and slowly opened his eyes. He sighed in relief as he saw that the sun was still out, so he couldn't have been unconscious for all that long.

Checking his pockets, Percy made sure he had his money secure. After making sure all of his stuff was where it should have been, he raised his hand to look at the bracelet on his arm. He blinked before looking at it again; he had trouble believing that the thing on his arm was the same band. The silver band had turned so black that it seemed to suck in the light. It also came with small purple-coloured jewels embedded into the band rather than the black diamonds he noticed previously. Once he touched it, a strange feeling overtook Percy and something popped up in front of him.

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