Ch.1 is this real?

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(I do not own Percy Jackson or the gamer system idea.)

(Alright, so this was beta read by Qwityboy and DW-Chronos. Then by SamuelHalligan who is the editor/critic.)

At fifteen, Percy Jackson was still a young boy with jet black hair, sea-green eyes, and typical Mediterranean complexion. He was walking down the sidewalk, wearing a grey shirt, dark blue jeans, and a pair of relatively new white sneakers.

'How could this happen?' Percy thought incredulously, as he walked down the road. It wasn't his fault! How was he supposed to know the cannon was loaded? The administration had actually expelled him! Over an honest mistake!

A feeling of dread erupted in Percy's stomach when he remembered that he still had to tell his mom about the expulsion. It was one thing to break a wall or two, and maybe injure a couple of people but there was no way he was prepared to face his mother!

He wasn't really afraid of angering her; his mother had the patience of a goddess. However, he had no doubt that she'd give him one her disappointed looks and say nothing about it for getting expelled from yet another school, which was a record even for him, considering he was only in that school for a week.

After giving it some thought Percy decided he'd rather not go home and face the music immediately. He would have to go back eventually but it didn't have to be at that very moment.

With that decided he quickly changed his course and headed towards the Lincoln Park that was close by to his apartment, or rather Gabe's apartment, in upstate New York.

He would never understand why his sweet, kind mom had married Gabe Ugliano, a smelly, horrible man who hardly ever took a bath, at least, not within Percy's memory. It was due to his gross odour that Gabe had been 'affectionately' nicknamed 'Smelly Gabe' by Percy at a very early age.

He always seemed to have a chip in his shoulder when it came to Percy, and Percy had never really hidden how he thought his mom could do better, or at least he didn't hide the disgust in eyes nearly well enough since Gabe seemed to notice.

Percy walked into the park, heading over to his usual spot away from the main road and closed his eyes, sighing, finally at peace as he began thinking about what he would do next. As he did, Percy heard an angry voice behind some trees and bushes, "Why in Hades is this thing not working!?" cried the man, anger lining his deep voice.

The sheer anger in his voice froze Percy as he clung to his seat and tried to make himself smaller, hoping that whoever was there wouldn't notice him.

"Well..." A woman started hesitantly, "It was just sitting on a shelf, dear. I thought it looked pretty! So I took it from the workshop, I didn't expect it to actually DO anything!" she huffed.

"You thought this thing looked pretty? I could buy you much prettier things than whatever that Hephaestus could make!" The guy boasted in a patronising tone.

"Yes, dear, but my first thought after seeing it was just to take it and watch Hephaestus run around like a headless chicken trying to find his lost relic. I think it'll be amusing to watch," the snide voice replied. Percy frowned at how the voice talked about someone who wasn't even there.

"Ha! I agree! That would be hilarious!" the guy replied excitedly. "But the energy in the relic has his signature; I thought it would actually work or something. It's just a failed tool turned into a dorky bracelet."

A loud click sounded and a bright light flashed causing the woman to scream, "What!?!" Percy finally got over his weariness of the two people and turned to look at just who was speaking.

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