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-3 years after Class 1-A graduated from U.A-

Todoroki sat in the waiting area to get on to his plane. He scrolled through his phone and looked at the news. Headlines mostly go along the lines of HERO DEKU DEFEATS VILLAIN! Todoroki remembered the years of fun and friendship they all had together, but about two years ago they had lost touch which really sucked for him since he still kind of had a crush on Izuku.

Momo had always persisted him to confess, but he'd always been too chicken too and now it's come to bite him back in the ass. Todoroki only glanced a little bit when a passenger ran over here at top speed, they probably didn't know that the flight was delayed so they thought they were going to be late. Todoroki only glanced up again when he realized who this 'late' passenger was. It was none other than Izuku!

Todoroki almost choked on his spit. Now?! In all times he had to see Izuku now? Gosh he had changed he seemed around the same height somewhat taller, but a lot more hotter. And let's just say- Todoroki almost slapped himself. He kept trying to keep his mind out of the gutter. Suddenly Izuku made eye contact with Todoroki and his eyes widened and the perfect smile grew across his face. He had really missed that smile. Izuku started walking towards him and that's when Todoroki started to panic. How the heck to to talk to the person you've liked after 2 years of never seeing them?!?! What if he hates me because we lost contact!?!? shit Shit SHITTTTT-

"Todoroki! It's been so long!" Izuku said smiled as he braved Todoroki in a hug. He decided to hug him back for the time being as Izuku backed away and took the waiting seat right next to him. Todoroki noticed that Izuku's face has redness all over it, but it probably didn't match Todoroki's which was now a bright red tomato. "Sorry, I just haven't seen you for so long and I was just really happy!"

"Yeah I really wish we didn't loose contact." 'Good job Todoroki',he said to himself, 'that was the most awkward attempt at a conversation starter. "I saw all over the news that you recently had a fight with a villain, it must have been difficult if it was spread across the news like that."

"Oh yeah, it was! The villain had a quirk where if he touched someone their quirk would disappear for 10 minutes! I had-" Izuku kept on rambling about the Villain fight as Todoroki was lost in his smile. Izuku's face still had the perfect freckles and nose. And he still had the beautiful green eyes he had fallen in love with so long ago. His hair hadn't changed it either. 'Shit, I'm still in love with you.'

"-So where are you heading to?" Izuku asked smiling cheerfully looked at Todoroki.

"Well I'm heading to New York to work on a mission and just have a relaxing vacation there."

"Ah! I'm going to a city right outside of there to visit some relatives." Izuku smiled again. God Todoroki wanted that smile to be his, he wanted Izuku to be his. Suddenly an announcement went off that they were boarding the plane Izuku and Todoroki got in line ready to go. As they walked onto the plane Todoroki was glad he had a window seat, he hoped that the person who would sit next would at least not snore loud. As he sat down a few minutes later Izuku sat right next to him.

"I glad I'm sitting by someone I know." Todoroki told Izuku at an attempt at conversation.

"Yeah, even though I'm probably going to sleep the entire way." Izuku laughed as he yawned right after. Todoroki and him engaged in small talk until the airplane took off. The sounds seemed to spook Izuku a little bit so while he was clutching the arm rest near to him Todoroki held his hand. Izuku's face blushed violently at that moment and so did Todoroki's.

"You just looked nervous I'm sorry if I-"

"No no no no! I appreciate it, Thank you." Izuku repositioned his hand to be intertwined with Todoroki's. After the take off Izuku drifted off to sleep probably not realized that him and Todoroki were still holding hands. Todoroki looked upon Izuku and saw how beautiful he looked. How his hair was starting to get a little messy from him sleeping. Everything about him Todoroki adored and he wanted to be with him forever.

Suddenly Deku shifted in his sleep as his head suddenly was resting on Todoroki's shoulder. That moment Todoroki knew he couldn't live another few years or even days without being with him anymore. The years they were apart felt like agony. That's it Todoroki decided. I'm going to confess to him when the plane lands. Todoroki yawned as he placed his head on top of Izuku's and fell asleep.


Todoroki was already awake when the flight attendant had announced that they would be landing soon. He shook Izuku a bit to wake him up. When Izuku seemed fully awake he lifted his head and looked at Todoroki as his face became a tomato.

"I-I'm s-Sorry, d-did I sleep on you the e-entire flight?" Izuku stuttered. His stuttering was adorable.

"You did, but don't worry about it. I woke you up because we are about to land soon." Todoroki smiled at Izuku as he tried to hide the nervousness that was inside of him. What did he mean that he was going to confess?!? He couldn't, but he had too. He couldn't keep living in this lie. The moment Todoroki and Izuku stepped off the plane Todoroki looked him right in the eyes. This is the moment that he was going to do it.

"Todoroki what are-" Todoroki cut him off by leaning in for a kiss, unexpectedly Izuku kissed him back. Todoroki left the kiss and started mumbling the words to say to him.

"Ever since the sports festival I've loved you, even these 2 years we've been I can't stop thinking about you. I don't want to loose you again I-I love you!" Todoroki felt tears swelling in his eyes. Izuku has tears falling down his face as he smiled and embraced Todoroki in a hug.

"I've loved you all these years i was too scared to tell you to scared that you'd reject me. I was so scared I let you slip away. Every day I had always wondered what if I had done something different? But now your here and I'm never going to loose sight of you against I love you too." Izuku kissed Todoroki and everything felt perfect. They didn't care that the airport was staring they didn't care that they had been separated. The only thing that mattered now was that they were here, together. 

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