Chapter 30: Coming Together

Start from the beginning

Rey bites the inside of her lip.

The Daughters aren't saints, but they're not killers either. They're brutal with their enemies and they defend themselves when necessary, but they have a code of honor. They don't hurt anyone without reason.

Daja's fine. She can handle herself. She's the perfect for the job— fearless, capable, a rogue with swagger and a smart mouth. In a different life, she could be a Daughter of Q'anah. There's no reason to worry. No reason at all...

Rey flattens her hand on the bar. She sits up, looking around and catching the eye of the crolute.

He flashes a gap-toothed grin.

She instantly turns away. She resists the urge to check the time again, trying to relax and enjoy the music. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, melting into the atmosphere.

The cantina buzzes with conversation, a low roar blending with the beat of the band. If she concentrates, she can pick out individual voices...

There's a couple speaking in Bocce, gossiping about a local merchant named Shah Kin. Apparently, he's been fooling around with a competitor's wife. A man is arguing with a service droid about his tab, claiming it overcharged him for the last three orders. There's a group speaking in what Rey can only describe as honks and clicks. It's not a language she understands. She's not even sure how many are talking... three maybe? No four. A couple next to them discuss a First Order sighting, a dreadnaught near Asmaru. They wonder what it could mean. The leading theory is that Kylo Ren is looking to run a new a trade route through the system...

Rey's eyes snap open. She shakes her head, struggling to regain focus. She reaches into her pouch, slipping out the chrono for a glance, then slipping it back in.

Five more minutes. She'll wait for five more minutes, and if Daja doesn't show up, then she'll go after her.

Rey rests forearms on the bar, sliding forward.

It's stupid. There's no reason to worry. She's only late because she was successful. Probably...

Suddenly, she snaps up. She leaps to her feet, whipping around and eagerly searching the cantina.

Daja's pushing the through the crowd, shoving patrons left and right. As she gets closer, Rey senses her emotions, adrenaline mixed with rage.

Rey's shoulders drop.

Things did not go well.

Daja charges up to Rey, flushed and out of breath. "I don't know what I did to piss those bitches off but—" She takes a giant gulp of air. "Whatever it was, they nearly killed me for it." She widens her eyes.

Rey starts to speak but stops when she spots a young man hovering next to Daja. She'd seen him trailing behind her but had just assumed he was a patron. "Who's this?" Rey points to him.

"No one," Daja growls, shoving him away. "Just some jackass."

"Hey!" He staggers back. "Some way to refer to the guy who just saved your life."

"You did not save my life." Daja sticks a finger in his face. "I had things under control. I didn't need your help."

"Uh... yeah, you did." He crosses his arms. "And I didn't have to. Just like I didn't have to escort you back to your friend, but I did it anyway, even though you've called me a jackass three times now." He lifts three fingers as he mouths the number.

Daja glares. "Fine," she deadpans. "You saved my life. I'm eternally grateful. Now, go away, jackass." She jerks to Rey.

"You Resistance people are rude, you know that?" He grumbles.

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