t h r e e

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taehyung pov



This is bad.

I grab my phone from my pocket and unlock it.

I used a taxi to come here because that asshole Jimin didn't buy a car because he was "saving for the future."

His bank is lower than his grades.

Saving my ass.

June 23, 2:37 am

Jungkook: Hello? Mina? Are you there?

Annoying shit: Oh, yes sweetie.

Jungkook: Okay Mina.

That is 100% not Baek Mina. She doesn't type like that for sure.

Jungkook: Um Mina, where are you?

Annoying shit: At home. Why?

Jungkook: You know I can track you, right jagi?

Annoying shit: Um, sorry Kook. Gtg.

Jungkook: Jagi call me really quick. I need to tell you something.

mina pov

I can tell.

I've been drugged.


And probably used.

I feel a hand slither on my jeans, and around my butt.

"Oi I got her phone." The man continues. "What should I do?"

They don't know I've regained consciousness.

"We gotta go. Minhyuk stay here and keep an eye on her." The same voice continues. "She'll be useful later."

I'm in shock.

Minhyuk pov


Shitty shit.

This guy named Kook is texting her non-stop. He seems like he really cares for her. Since I don't know her password, I can only see the texts one at a time on her home screen. I slide the notification and start typing.

Mina: I can't call right now sweetie pie.

Shit. I hope they're boyfriend and girlfriend or else he's going to suspect me.

Mina pov

I'm so done with this dumbasses shit. He could have just used my finger to unlock my phone. Even that guy from before literally said that I was unconscious.

I slowly wiggle off my blindfold while the idiot Minhyuk continues to text Juancock.

I take in my surroundings. Shed. Yes. It's a shed. Shovels, bags of fertilizer, the dumbass, my phone in the dumbasses hands. And that's about it.

I use my teeth to untie the very, very basic knot. Wow. Whoever tried to kidnap me doesn't have a fucking brain. I do it.


I fucking roundhouse kick him.

He falls down, and hold on to his bloody nose.

"GODDAMNIT!" I yell, as I feel around the dark room for en exit. Then I see a little latch. Yes.

The fucker behind me was still looking for a tissue.

That was the most idiotic escape ever.

Then I see a sight that I thought I would never see outside of school.


I'll update more sorry




See ya next time




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