The hurt puppy.

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During the following night, (Y/n) wasn't the only one trying to sleep in her aunt's cabin. A dream demon was keeping her company, making it impossible for her to even close her eyes.

To be honest, that wasn't necessarily the demon's fault. She had so many questions that she needed the answers to, and on top of that reassurance.
After some chit chat, a few things were clearer, others a lot more confusing and Bill was officially allowed to stay at her cabin for a bit. Just a little bit.

Yes, Bill Cipher, a dream demon who had been trapped inside a statue for four years because of a battle against his greatest enemies that he lost. However he didn't "lose because he was weak", but because the "situation was inconvenient". Another information that she managed to hold onto was that by shaking his hand, (Y/n) most likely engaged in a deal with him that managed to free him from his "pathetic state", which is why he "won't try to rip your heart out". Unfortunately, neither one of them knew what the deal was all about.

Apart from the important and relevant information, the girl also got the chance to listen to a dream demon rant about normal-human-body-things that were completely normal, but also totally out of his control and "not cool". There was a lot of explaining to do, explaining things that she never thought she'd ever have to explain to anybody. Although she left a few things to discover for himself, since she really didn't want to cross the PG13 line.

Soon enough it was time for her to go to sleep. After all she still had an actual job to attend to in the morning. Bill didn't really want to sleep on the couch since it "definitely isn't his style" and he "didn't plan on sinking this low", but complied after (Y/n) threatened to either call the cops or throw him out of her house.

When she was finally lying in bed, reality really punched her in the face.

There was an actual supernatural being in her cabin, probably pretty dependant on her and definitely not leaving her alone for at least two weeks. She realised that she had to take care of a dream demon that was stuck in a human body.
Which meant a lot of other things: She'd have to buy more food, probably buy other clothes for him so he could actually present himself to the outside world without instantly giving demon vibes off, and so on.

With a heavy sigh she covered her face with a pillow and tried to ignore all the things that were about to bother her for the upcoming days. Sometimes she'd ask herself why she even put up with him and didn't throw him out when he robbed her pizza and chocolate.

Maybe it was that feeling of pity for him that wouldn't leave her alone. Maybe it was the feeling of responsibility for him, since she basically brought him back to life.
Whatever it was, it made her life harder and she didn't like it. But she was forced to live with it.

"Human, wake up! My stomach is bothering me and it won't stop."

Bill said so in some kind of sing-song voice, shaking her body without making sure not to hurt her. (Y/n) was awake in an instant, pushing the frankly annoying demon away from her before screaming into her pillow in pure frustration.

"Bill, at least be careful!" She yelled afterwards, ruffling her hair before looking at the man to scold him even further. However, all of her anger and annoyance vanished when she was met with a sight that made her heart skip a beat.

Bill was sitting on the floor in front of her bed, arms tightly wrapped around his stomach. A pout was decorating his lips, which kind of made him look like a hurt puppy. His messy morning hair was adding extra points to his somehow adorable look, causing (Y/n) to not know how to react to that at all.

A silence hung between them for quiet some time, until Bill actually made eye contact with her.

"Seriously? I've been so disgustingly kind and patient with you and this is how you reward me? Geez, human."

"Oh for fu— Just, go back to the living room and wait for me there. I'll get you something in about ten minutes, alright?"

And just like that, the dream demon sulked back into the living room, throwing himself onto the sofa while waiting for his food to be prepared. A few extra moments to think about how annoying and demanding a human body really is. How much food it wants, how it get's on your nerves when you decide to ignore it's needs.
A real bother. He already missed his demon-self more than anything else.

His thought process got interrupted by (Y/n) placing a plate in front of him. Bill had yet to learn about all the different kinds of food that humans liked to consume, however he was aware that he was about to eat a so-called "sandwich".

"Human! This tastes awful. The bread isn't toasty enough."

"Can't you be a little more accepting? And why do you keep calling me human? I have a name."

"A name that you have yet to tell me," he said, looking up from his sandwich to face the girl. She raised her eyebrows, suddenly realising that she truly didn't even introduce herself. Things got so overwhelming that she completely forgot about it.

"You're right, I — I forgot to tell you. Well, my name is (Y/n) (L/n)."

"I'll keep calling you human for now."

The girl simply rolled her eyes in response, finishing her own breakfast before getting ready to leave the house. At that moment, she remembered another thing that she also forgot about. Could she really leave the dream demon alone in the cabin for the next couple of hours?

Technically it shouldn't be problem, but he was still a stranger to her. And he did say that she mustn't trust anyone. On the other hand, she couldn't just take him to work, especially not after Soos reacted so weirdly upon hearing about the statue's disappearance.

"I also didn't tell you that I have a job—"

"Don't care."

"—and you either have to come with me or stay here for a bit without burning the house down or searching through my things or whatever."

Bill hummed, tapping his chin as he thought about his options. Going out into town didn't really seem like a good idea. People could (and most likely would) recognise him, after all. For once he didn't actually want to cause chaos in that favourite town of his.

In the end he did choose to stay at the cabin, promising that he'd do his best to not do anything bad. (Y/n) made sure to lock her room and hide things that were dangerous, like knives or poisonous things.

"I'll be back for lunch break. That'll be in around four hours. Are you sure you'll be fine until then?"

"I'm not an infant."

"Yes, yes. You're an all knowing and very powerful dream demon, you made that quite clear yesterday," she mumbled, putting her shoes and jacket on before taking her bag, turning around one more time to look at Bill. He was sitting on the sofa and watched some kind of ridiculous tv show, not even sparing her a glance as she unlocked the door and left.

However, as relaxed as the demon seemed to be, the feeling of insecurity was going to accompany her the whole time while she was at work.

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