A dream demon.

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There was a man who looked so unusual that (Y/n) couldn't even fathom how he wouldn't be able to catch everyone's attention on the street. A black top hat sat tall and proud on top of his blonde hair, an equally black eyepatch covering his left eye. His tall and slender figure was emphasised by a black coat with a bright yellow brick pattern. The dress shirt he wore underneath it was yellow, too, a yellow belt separating it from the black trousers he also wore.

He stood on the black tiled floor next to the fridge that's been opened, and munched away on her leftover pizza like he was trying to figure out how to eat it in the most ridiculous way.

"Oh...my god," (Y/n) mumbled, half to herself, staring at the man who, for some reason, strongly reminded her of the statue that she discovered in the woods. The eye, the top hat, the brick pattern. A coincidence?
Her tight grip on the bag loosened lightly.

The stranger also seemed to have noticed that he wasn't alone anymore, looking up from the pizza to have eye contact with the the girl. He blinked a few times, a toothy grin forming on his lips, too wide to be considered as normal.

"Not quite, I'm more of a dream demon."
(Y/n) narrowed her eyes upon hearing his voice, noting how unnaturally high-pitched it sounded for a seemingly grown man like him. She raised her bag again and pointed it at him.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my house? Why do you look like the embodiment of the statue that I saw in the woods? And how dare you eat my leftover pizza!"
The stranger tilted his head to the side and looked down at the item in his hands again, emitting a chuckle. He placed it on the counter and cleaned his hands, that were covered by gloves, on a towel.

"Easy, doll. I'm not going to hurt you."

"And I should trust you why?"

The man hummed, turning away from her to face the fridge again, searching through it's contents. (Y/n) was about to comment on it, however she realised that he'd probably ignore it anyways.

"Good question. In fact, you shouldn't trust anyone. Especially not in this town. Everyone here is a liar," he said after taking a bar of chocolate out, ripping the packaging apart and biting into the candy. (Y/n) couldn't help but to cringe at the scene playing out in front of her. That man either wasn't human or enjoyed watching other people suffer.

"Could you at least stop eating my food?"

"No can do. This skin puppet needs energy, and as far as I'm concerned food provides energy. This is food, so I'm consuming it."

(Y/n) didn't even understand what was happening in that moment. She didn't know how to react or what to do, but she absolutely couldn't allow that stranger to just eat all of the food that she purchased with her hard earned money. On the other hand, he really did seem like he hadn't eaten in days, perhaps even weeks. His skin was pale, cheeks lightly sunken in and his hands were shaking as he held onto the food. (Y/n) felt a sense of pity well up inside of her.
Her first reaction was to approach him and steal the candy away to place it back into the fridge. An annoyed sigh was given in response.

"Hey, I said I need to—"

"I know, but candy unfortunately won't give you your strength back. I'll give you something that can actually help you, if you are willing to explain this whole thing to me. Who you are, what you're doing here and so on. Deal?"

With the same insane grin on his lips, the man extended his hand for her to take. Once again, the gesture strongly reminded her of the statue, but she didn't hesitate to take his hand and shake it, realising that the black gloves he wore were rather thin and made out of leather.
After shaking his hand she intended to let go of it to prepare something for the man, however he didn't let go.

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