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The group loads up one of the quin jets and flies to Wakanda. As we near the Wakandian boarder Steve walks up to the pilot's seat, "Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0."

Sam grows a little anxious, "I hope you're right about this, Cap, or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to."

The quin jet passes through the forcefield Wakanda has around it, Wakanda's Golden City's valet and land before us. The jet lands at the airfield outside the palace, T'Challa and the Dora Milaje approach to greet us. Okoye smiles as I step off the plane with Rogers, "Phoebe, it's nice to see you back so soon."

Okoye and I hug for a moment, before separating, once we do, T'Challa opens his arms for a hug as well, "back to train more Dora Milaje?"

I chuckle, "Sadly, that isn't the purpose of my visit."

"Train?" Rogers asks, stopping behind me.

Okoye nods, looking over to Rogers, "If our warriors can take the power Phoebe throws, they can handle anything they will come across here."

Rogers turns to T'Challa shaking his head, "Seems like I'm always thinking you for something."

We turn to see Banner and Rhodes walking up, as they do Banner awkwardly bows to T'Challa. Rhodes looks to him, shocked, "What are you doing?"

"Uh, we don't do that here." T'Challa dissuades Banner with a motion of his hand. Banner shoots Rhodes a look and is answered with a big grin. "So how big of an assault can we expect?" T'Challa turns and begins walking, as the rest of us follow behind.

"Uh, sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault." Branner comments, still rather awkwardly.

I clear my throat, "How are we looking?"

T'Challa turns to me, "You will have my King's Guard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and..."

As T'Challa continues, Barnes walks past the King's Guard, who are taking Vision and Wanda to Shuri, smiling as he approaches Rogers, "And a semi-stable, 100-year-old man."

Barnes and Rogers share a hug, "how you been, Buck?"

"Uh, not bad, for the end of the world. Excited to test out this new arm."

T'Challa stops a few feet in front of us, "if you wish, I'm sure Phoebe would be a worthy opponent."

Barnes looks over to me and nods, "I'm sure she would. She trains your warriors after all." I shake my head and Barnes chuckles, "what afraid you'll lose?"

"No, I just don't wanna beat up an old man." I chuckle as I cross my arms.

"What makes you think you'll win?" Barnes steps toward me with a smirk on his face.

Before I can reply, Okoye chuckles, "One-on-one doesn't really seem far in this case."

Barnes nods, "Yeah, you're probably right. I wouldn't wanna hurt our newest teammate."

Okoye shakes her head, "I meant on your end."

Rogers shrugs, "I'll partner with Buck. I could use a warmup."

TChalla chuckles, "it won't just be a warmup." Hemotions for us to follow him and leads us to a large field. "We have had our own battles here, if it can handle hundreds of Wakandian warriors, I'm sure it will stand three superhumans." As T'Challa motions over the field, a guard walks up and hands Roger's a new shield.

I nod and look over to Barnes and Rogers, "Alright, let's go." I walk out into the field and take my place across from Barnes and Rogers, parallel to the platform the others are watching from.

T'Challa calls out to us, "on my mark and don't break that new arm or that shield."

Bucky replies, glancing over to Rogers, "We'll try not to."

"I was talking to her." T'Challa motions over to me. "Ready?" T'Challa pauses for a moment, allowing the three of us to ready our selves, "Go!" he shouts.

Once he shouts Barnes and Rogers sprint toward me, Barnes reaching me first, swinging. As he swings I duck under his arm. Once he has turned back toward me I jump and kick him in the chest, knocking him away. Once I land Rogers hits me, using his shield as a batting ram. I fall backward, but land and slide, dragging my fingers in the dirt to slow me down, only moving a couple dozen yards from the two men. When I stop sliding backward, I jump up and run at the men, the two meeting me halfway. Barnes reaching me first, again. When I am in arms reach I get in close to Barnes, placing my hands on his neck, giving him a slight shock, as I use him for leverage to jump up and kick Rogers away. I don't shock Barnes enough to hurt him or knock him down, just enough to shock him long enough to kick Rogers away. Once the shock wears off he easily picks me up and tosses me about five or six feet away.

"Stop holding back!" T'Challa shouts.

I stand, looking over to Barnes and Rogers, who look to each other, then back to me. Once they look back to me, they run back to me. Rogers reaching my first, swinging, as he swings I duck under his arm, but I make the mistake of turning toward him and Barnes grabs me, pinning my arms to the side. I look down and see that his metal arm is the only part of him touching my skin, so I take a deep breath and deliver a shock. The shock causes Barnes to cry out in pain, as he releases his grip on me, falling back. Before my feet hit the ground Rogers is on me again, swinging at me. I block the punches and swings of the shield, once I get the chance I move in close to Rogers and place my hands on his neck, shocking him enough to cause him to hit his knees.

Once both men are down T'Challa walks out clapping his hands. "Very good, it is always a pleasure watching you fight."

Barnes and Rogers slowly getting up, Rogers rubbing his neck and Barnes checking his new arm, "I'll say. Remind me never to piss you off."

Rogers nods, "I'm glad she's on our side."

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