Chapter 3: Darky Woods Forest

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A/N: I know Darky is mispelling!

It was dark, very dark inside the forest. Dedede seemed nervous at this.

-Is the King scared of the darkness?-teased the Knight.

-I-I'm not!-he said defensively-I'm just nervous beacuse I don't know what awaits us there.

-Yeah, of course-Meta Knight said sarcastically-It is true that we don't know the dangers in front of us but... It's no reason to go like that.

Some bushes behind Meta Knight started shuffling. Since it was dark, the atmosphere was more tense than usual. Dedede just stared at Meta Knight and the bushes nervously. He could feel cold sweat covering his hands and head. From the bushes came a Waddle Dee. A normal looking Waddle Dee.

-*sigh*Thank Nova it was just a Waddle Dee...-Dedede said relieved.

-You were scared?-asked Meta Knight forgetting about chivalry for who-knows-what-time-th at the verge of laughter-You were scared of a Waddle Dee?

-No. I was scared that it would come something big and mighty-Dedede protested.

-Here? In the forest?-asked Meta Knight-Why would there be such-?

He was interrupted by many creatures running from something. From the shadows emerged Kawasaki. But he was different, he was completely black. Eyes white and menacing he took out his pan.

-What in the name of Great Nova-said Meta Knight surprised-He's going to attack us!

-No, seriously-said Dedede sarcastic-I didn't see that coming!

He took his hammer and hit Kawasaki in the head. He fell to the floor with stars on his head.

-Luckily, that will be enough-he said dusting himself off.

They continued through the forest until they were in a zone full of monsters.

-I didn't order anything, I swear-said the King before anyone jumped into conclusions.

-I did not say anything like that-Meta Knight declared himself innocent.

-Sure ya didn't say anything, but what 'bout others that could be here-Dedede probably broke the 4th wall unconsciously-We dun know 'bout 'em.

-Good point, even if I do not know who are you referring to.

-Heh, me neither-he answered leaving Meta Knight dumbfounded.

-Then why did you say it? It is kind of a non-sense.

-Dunno. Felt like it-the King shrugged.

He swung his hammer to an approaching monster. Then, he remembered something.

-Meta Knight, get behind, please-he said firmly.

-Why should I?-he asked.

-Trust me, it's going to save us a lot o' time-he said.

Meta Knight did as told, beacuse he knew not to question further what the King said. Dedede prepared himself and performed a more powerful and ranged inhale than Kirby. After that, he spit all of the enemies to a tree and they disappeared in a "Poof!"

-Well, that was fast-the knight said.

-Of course it was-beacuse of the game logic" Dedede said.

They continued smashing some enemies here and there with the sword and the hammer. Some platforming was also there, but it was a breeze to the King and the Knight since they could fly. Some forest hectareas later... They were reaching a clearing that wasn't very clear to be honest. A familiar tree stood there, like nothing happened, it was black like Kawasaki, from before was. The Waddle Dee was trembling at the King's feet, fear written in his expression.

-It seems that lil' ol' Whispy has changed his look-said Dedede pointing at said tree.

-Well, he does not seem quite... welcoming...

The tree shook a little before three white points appeared on it, two of them making the eyes, the other was the mouth. As Meta Knight said previously, he didn't seem quite friendly. It readied the apples to make an avalanche when Meta Knight shot a beam at him. Then, somehow a strange screen appeared. It said:

Guardian of the Dark Forest

Dark Whispy Woods

And an image of the said boss accompanied the strange screen.

-Well, I didn't expect that-Dedede commented.

A bar appeared near Dark Whispy Woods. They soon discovered that it would slowly change of color with every hit they did to Whispy. Meta Knight, the first to notice the detail, called it "Health Bar". Now, now, you will ask: "Why is the game mixed up with the reality of these two little fellows?" Well, someone messed up with the world in a very strong way.

-Yo, Meta Knight, couldn't your sword use some fire?-Dedede asked, using his Hammer Twirl.

-Well, we could try but... We aren't Star Allies anymore-the Knight said using the sword beam against Whispy.

-Yo Whispy! Eat this!-shouted the King to the tree, preparing to inhale, the tree, not the King.

And Dedede did his Gordo throw... Which Whispy ate... And suffered beacuse the strange thing that looked like an urchin. Health bar reached 0. Whispy did the same thing like the other games, left with a tear on the eye, and purified.

-Dude, that's strange, five minutes ago he was black, now he's green?

-Why thank you, Kir...-the tree saw his true saviors-Oh, where's Kirby?

-That's what we're going to check out-said the King.

-Sure, we should keep going-said the Knight taking the chess set that had been laid near the Waddle Dee in a safe spot.

The Waddle Dee kept following the duo.

-Is it just me or is the Waddle Dee trying to say something to us?-asked Meta Knight.

-Oh, let's see... Waddle Dee, do you have somethin' to say?-asked King Dedede to the little one.

The Waddle Dee pointed behind the expecting males. There stood the darker versions of their friends Sword Knight, Blade Knight and Escargoon.

-Huh? Where did those come from?

-I do not know, but I am sure they are not friendly.

Meta Knight laid once more the chess set and took out Galaxia.

A/N: And thus, ends my chapter chain. YAY! (I hate my lack of prevision)

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