Chapter 1: How it all began

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It was a sunny day in Dreamland when... A strange portal opened. From that portal came out a shadow that at first, it seemed to cry. But... after some distance from the portal, it changed completely its expression. Soon afterwards, it met a napping pink ball called Kirby. Knowing who it had met, it took a bow, or at least what it seemed like it, and threw a completely black arrow to the sky. When that arrow reached a certain height, it disintegrated in black particles that made black clouds banning the light from Dreamland. Soon afterwards, black fragments started falling from the center of the darkness. One of them was clearly bigger than the others. That one fell and fell and fell... Until it hit Kirby, who had woken up when the arrow was thrown. When Kirby was hit by that fragment, he fell unconscious to the floor.

Meanwhile in another part of Popstar that wasn't covered in darkness, a certain blue bird and his friend were playing chess.

-Checkmate-one of the two said in a deep hispanic accent.

-Oh, come on! How can ya win so much in this here game?-the blue bird asked-Ya've won like 5 matches.

Then, the hispanic knight looked at the horizon, seeing those great dark clouds in the sky. The eyes of Meta Knight, his name, turned a deep shade of red. He sensed the danger to Dreamland emanating from those clouds.

-It's strange that whatever is happening didn't reach us, huh?

-Yes, I admit it is very strange, unless...

-Unless what?-asked the bird.

-It's Kirby!

-Say what!?

-I know this sounds strange but... If It's not us, It's him.

-Well, I wouldn't call that nonsense exactly. But... What if he isn't? We've cooperated before, haven't we?

-Enough of facts and question tags, we should go and check just in case-said the knight.

-Fine for me-said the bird, whose name was Dedede.

-Alright, let's go!

And thus, my friends, is how it all began. What adventures wait within this journey to check on their friend? Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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