The Reaper Of The Hidden Stone

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Sakura's POV

After getting help I headed back to the fight scene.
I hated to always stand helpless when Sasuke and Naruto threw their lives away! I wanted to do something but what could I do? I'm not strong enough to do anything. All I've done is whine ever since I've become a genin. Everyday after Naruto came back from the mission to get Sasuke, I've been wondering if I even deserve this headband. I want to make it up to everyone, prove that..... I am valuable too...

Kakashi-sensei recoiled back when Naruto asked what was wrong.

Kakashi: "You're from the Hidden Stone?"

Invader: "Oh yes, I guess you could say that!"

He smirked, causing Kakashi to lose his cool. There was something that bothered me though, his headband wasn't crossed which means that he isn't a rogue or missing-nin. Does that mean that the hidden stone itself has declared war on us? I see no reason for that to happen, but then again how would a genin know what's going on between villages.

These things don't add up and I'm pretty sure Kakashi-sensei felt the same way. I had the clone jutsu, transformation and substitution jutsu in my arsenal. That isn't going to cut it at all. I'm facing a deadly ninja who's obviously a jonin level. I grabbed a dozen shuriken and sent them at the intruder, he grabbed a kunai in a split-second and defected them all. I was starting to lose my cool as well.

Kakashi-sensei performed multiple hand seals and summoned the water dragon.

Kakashi: "Water style: Water Dragon Jutsu!"

A giant dragon shaped from a mass of water headed towards the intruder.

The man summoned a mud wall and blocked the attack! I know that water isn't effective against earth that well but to block such a massive attack...

The surrounding ninja started to fire shuriken, kunai and fire style jutsu. The man just created a dome made of mud and blocked them all. Kakashi summoned two shadow clones and waited patiently. When the dome dispersed, the strange man was there and so was a giant hole in the ground. Kakashi-sensei smirked.

Kakashi: "Lady Tsunade!"

The 5th Hokage leapt from a tree and gathered chakra in her fist. She smashed her fist into the ground, causing a huge tremor and a giant crack in the ground.

The tremor was so strong that I fell down. I didn't understand what was going on, I looked at the battlefield when I realized what was going on...

From the ground came an unconscious man that was actually the real intruder. Kakashi sent a bolt of lightning at the other replica that was there beside the hole. The figure shattered to pieces. It wasn't a shadow clone, so what was it?

Kakashi: "Lightning style: Lightning Beast Running Justu!"

He summoned a wolf made of lightning that charged at the intruder and knocked him back. The wolf dispersed.

Kakashi: "That was a stone clone technique he used, he thought it would be effective to replace himself with the clone while he was covered in the time so we couldn't see it. Lucky for me, my sharingan noticed that it was a clone all along."

I guess the shadow clone is just another variant of the different clone techniques.

The unconscious man laid still on the ground. Lady Tsunade picked him up by the collar.

Tsunade: I'll take care of him, we need to block the gates and ready our troops. There could be more invaders waiting to attack!

Naruto's POV

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