Don't Give Up The Ship- Part 2

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This part is really short- give me your comments!!!


Don't Give Up The Ship- Part 2

Sitting across from Ms. Kendrick, I explain myself. "So this is how I see it: she died too young, didn't live a full life and there is nothing I can do about it. But something I can do, is fulfill my life's purpose. They say that when you lose someone close to you, it makes you want to live every moment to the fullest."

"So you want to live for every moment?" she asks as if she actually cares about me. My mother is really wasting her money because all this lady does is repeat what I say.

"Not in the sense that I've become really crazy and adventurous. Actually, I'm the opposite. Basically, I try to accomplish as much as I can into a very short time span," I clarify.

Ms. Kendrick disapproves, "Don't you think you are being kind of hard on yourself? If you constantly set high expectations, you'll disappoint yourself over and over again."

"No, I just try to be efficient and there is no harm in that. If you look at your choices as analytical problems, you can save a lot of time. Like the fastest way to get from point A to point B, or when to complete which tasks in order to optimize time. And if you think about it, your time is your life. Beth didn't have enough time. I am not going to make that mistake."

She adds, "So you said something about your life's purpose. What do you think that would be?"

I snap at her, "How am I supposed to know?"

Check out Part 3!

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