A new beginning

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It's been five years since the battle of black.

Omega dead and John just died from a heart failure .

Most of the land now is black, dead, destroyed and covered with massive amounts of broken robot parts, bullets scattered everywhere dead people around the place.

Drift was walking along the bank of the pond that he proposed to Brite, but sadly she passed away a year ago from a bit of shrapnel in her lower whom, she'd lost the baby during the war and had been dealing with the shrapnel for two years.

Drift's POV #crying #depressed

Rex what should I do I lost my wife, my child, my future. I just don't know what now.

Rex's POV #sad #tired

Drift as much as your like my brother, I'm telling you just to let go.

Drift just left and went to what was let of the s.s.d.t, while walking over there he saw all the dead bodies and thought to himself why did I ever go to a desert just for this, but Drift wasn't watching were he was going and he tripped over a rock face first onto the ground

Raptor's POV #sad #nervous

Hey Drift the s.s.d.t has a special mission for you and everyone else involved we even asked the community to give a hand.

Carbide's POV #sad #propelled

C'mon Drift get up and be a man, you have a community and friends here to help we will restore peace and nature to our island, you will do it for Brite, we will do it for our future, we may have lost men in battle but we survive in thier honor.

Author's note I'm just going to say who died instead of repetitively writing carving grave stone for..... And also when i say day 1 I mean the first day of work

Day 1

Cuddle went and asked all her sisters except spooky to give a hand in doing gardening in the cemetery. Carbide and Criterion spent all day digging clean holes, while Drift, Raptor, Calamity, Valor, Zoey went round the island each in their own truck and gathered all the bodies, after everyone was sure they had picked every body up they went to the cemetery. When they arrived Carbide and Criterion gave a hand, they placed a single body in each hole. Snorkle then made a gravestone with info about everyone for everyone who had passed, later everyone helped cover the holes.

Day 2

The sun rose upon the burn't land, As for John passing away Carbide has Taken the lead of the s.s.d.t Good Morning everyone Carbide announced, today we will start to clean all the robot mess, we only have eight trucks so for every truck there will be 10 people, when any of your truck reach the top level you will take the trucks over to what's left of Junk Junction, when you reach Junk Junction you will be greeted by Rust Lord, please dispose the waste we're he asks, thank you.

The only people left we're Drift, Calamity, Raptor, Carbide, Snorkle, Criterion and Ragnarock.

Criterion POV #focused #openminded

Ok, there are seven of us and six bull-dozes. Calamity you go to fatal fields and do up the farm rip the house and the barn down and rebuild all of it so it's brand new, everyone else we are going to start the s.s.d.t headquarters and Lonley Lodge, but what ever you do, don't touch the trees.

At the end of the day the community were up and about the camp, and the six bulldozers pulled in, one with Calamity hanging from the side. As they park Calamity backflips off. Attention Please Carbide asked. What have we accomplished today. Drift* uh we have bulldozed Lonely and Retail to redo building, Whiplash* we have cleaned up the whole island, Rust Lord* Junk Junktion is now brand new more tidy and has more parts, Calamity* our island farm run by me is know being rebuilt and all the patches have been hoed, proud and watered.

After endless work to make it perfect for everyone many had died from bugs diseases and cancer, everything is now perfect  the whole island is now what John always talked about.

"Knock knock knock"
Who is it groaned Drift
"Clap" 'a letter was lipped in the letter hole'
Drift opened the letter
"Happy birthday Drift We all miss you"
He opened the first pouch of the letter a couples movie ticket.
Then the second was a brand new credit card with a note saying it had been set up and it had 5000 vbucks on it.
Next the third was a picture of Drift, A pregnant Brite, Rex, and Cuddle.
After he found one last pouch with just a note saying 'do you want to go on a date with me at a expensive restaurant and go a movie to finish with, if you want Drift call my number.

Drift's face brightened up a little, but why, what was in his hand.....

Comment what u think was in his hand and why would he brighten up. Either way I'll make another chapter

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