ʇʍǝuʇʎ sǝʌǝn

451 17 1

dear minho...
i know i was the only
female in the glade
but i knew that your
adoration for me was

when you went into
the maze with alby
to investigate the dead
griever, i was so afraid.

when the doors closed
i froze.
you told me that no one
makes it out of the maze overnight.

but i had faith.
i knew you.
you would

i knew you wouldn't have
given up with your stubborn
shucking mentality
and heart.

but there was that
one sliver of doubt
within me.
i let fear overrun me.

when you came out
the next morning
i was amazed.
you beat the impossible.

but i was still scared.
there was always the
knowledge of truth that
one day, we may not see each other again.

so i stole paper and
one pencil from your map room
(i'm so sorry, do i still get
in trouble if i'm dead?)

i wrote this letter
to be there in my absence.
to be the remaining part of
me on earth.

this is for you,
please don't forget me.
or my food.

i never got to say this
i really love your
pony loving butt.

until we meet again,

dear minho. | minho [tmr]Where stories live. Discover now