"Yeah that me" I frowned as the girls whipped out their phones. Anne gave me a look of sympathy as they took pictures of me, "Is that your baby." They pointed to a sleepy Darcy who hid under the blanket. Before I was forced to answer or they pestered us with more questions our flight began to board.

"Flight 00923 to Orlando Florida is now boarding" The announcer said over the loud speaker. I sighed and picked up Darcy. "Sorry we have to go" Gemma said grabbing our bags. The girls took pictures of us walking away.

We handed the lady our flight tickets and walked onboard the plane. We found our seats which happened to be in first class. Since I was so small I struggled to put the bags in the overhead compartment. Looking like an Idiot. That was until a flight attendant came and helped. I sat down and buckled Darcy in. I blew a strand of hair out of my face as I sat back and relaxed.

"What if the picture of me and Darcy gets out on twitter. People will figure it out" I sighed while looking down at my precious baby.

"We will handle this I promise" Gemma said with a sad smile. I nodded, "I just don't want her to be exposed to the fame. She will never know what a real childhood is, if it does happen."

"Well that's a bit tough when the father is Harry Styles" Gemma whispered.

"At the time he wasn't' Harry Styles, He was just Harry. That weird dimpled curly haired freak" I smiled  to myself then frowned.

"Girls things will work out, but we are on a plane going to Orlando. Lets relax and enjoy" Anne said smiling. I wasn't as convinced as she was feeling very uneasy. I picked up Darcy as the plane began to move.I looked down and played with her shirt. Her eyes were shut and she was fast asleep. She looked like an angel, not that she doesn't always. Sometimes I don't realize how lucky I am to have her.

My hand stroked her hair as she curled up in a fetal position. Gemma was reading a seventeen magazine and Anne was just reading some paperback novel. The whole picture scenario was pushed aside when the plane began to take off.

I just want whats best for my baby, fame isn't what she needs. She needs to grow up like a normal child. Playing on swing sets and going to the park. Going to school and learning her Abcs. Not getting photographed every time she steps out of the house and used just to get to her father.

What if he finds out, what will he do. All these thoughts were running through my head when I should be relaxing. "Miss.... MISS" The flight attendant said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes sorry" I replied with a smile. "Would you like anything to drink" She smiled. "She will have a chardonnay" Gemma cut in smiling. "Relax" She whispered leaning back.

The flight attendant left to go get my drink. Darcy started to wake up.  I smiled as she let out a yawn.

"Are you hungry baby." I asked while stroking her hair n

Yes mommy" She said with sleepy eyes. I pulled out her animal crackers and handed them to her. She munched on them as I sipped on my wine. Being in the air made my skin dry. I applied lotion to me and Darcy. "You're an amazing Mum" Anne smiled. I returned the smile while bouncing Darcy in my lap. " You are an amazing mother too."

  Anne gave me a grateful look at which I gladly returned. I held Darcy closer as the wine made me eyes droop. That's all I remembered before drifting off into a deep sleep

    "Look at them they are so cute" Anne cooed. My eyes were shut and I heard Darcy's snores in my ear. I heard a camera click as I woke up. Gemma smiled shyly. "We are here."

I looked out the window and saw palm trees. I smiled to myself knowing I wasn't in freezing, and dull England anymore.

    I let out a deep breath while standing up to grab my bags. My phone was turned off airplane mode and instantly connected to wifi and messages came rolling in. I ignored twitter afraid of what I would see. When we walked into the gate that the plane landed in Gemma's phone went off.

"Hello.. What do you want Harold"She snapped into the receiver as a pang hit my chest at his name. "Don't worry about it I have to go, I just landed " She snapped while hanging up the phone. I frowned ever so slightly.

"Lets go girls" Anne said with the bags in each of her hands. I rolled the stroller and my luggage out of the airport.

All of us headed to the car rental where we got our car. It was nice, a white convertible .

I strapped Darcy into her baby seat and rolled the roof down. Gemma plugged the hotel into the GPS.

"Here's to a much needed vacation" Gemma cheered throwing her hands in the air.

"Yes" Me and Anne cheered as we pulled out of the parking lot. The wind blew my hair around like crazy. I looked into the rear view mirror and saw Gemma playing with Darcy. I smiled and looked ahead of the road. The street was lined with palm trees.

    "Next right, and then you have reached your destination" the automatic voice said as I turned right. The hotel was huge, I was impressed.

"Welcome to the Marriott, I will hold your bags until you are checked in" The bellboy smiled filling the cart with our luggage.

We walked up to the front desk. I held Darcy's hand as we walked up. "Reservation under Anne Cox" Anne smiled looking at us.

"Yes room 1612.. 16th floor" He smiled handing us the room keys. We motioned the bellboy to come with us. I pressed the 16th floor button and held onto Darcy's hand. The bell dinged as we stepped out.

Room 12 here we are" He said stopping at the end of the hallway. It was a suite.

"Anne" I dragged on knowing the gesture was too big. "You deserve it" She smiled opening the door.

Darcy ran in and jumped onto the bed, I followed shortly after her throwing my bags down following with a thud.

"Yay" She screamed as I looked around. There were two rooms a living room and kitchen. My room was to the right and there was a balcony. Darcy would sleep with me and Anne and Gemma would share a room.
Deciding to venture the room I walked me and Darcy onto the balcony. The warm air hitting my skin. Darcy peered over my shoulder observing the view that laid ahead. "This is what we need baby girl."

     "I love you mommy" She cooed into my neck. "I love you to Baby girl." After that I just held her in my arms. My whole world in my hands just like that.

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