Chapter 23

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“I’m going for a hunt” Edward mumbled before running out of the house. WE all just looked at each other. “What was that about?” Emmett asked. “What do you see in his future darlin?” Jasper asked me. I looked into his future and there was nothing. “Nothing he hasn’t made a decision yet” I told them. “What the hell his he up to? He’s been in his own little world since the family meeting” Jason wondered. “We’ll find out soon” I told them, while I was curious myself.

What the hell is he up to? He’s defiantly up to something; I know it, but what?

I had been sat in Jaspers lap while he plays Xbox with Emmett for about an hour when I was hit with a vision…

Alice in the woods with Edward. “What’s going on Edward? I thought everyone else was here” Alice asked him. “No they’ll be here soon, but you won’t” Edward hissed at her before biting down and sucking away all her blood…

“NO!” I shouted. “What was it darlin?” Jasper asked me, but I didn’t answer him, I ran straight out of the house. I could hear everyone following me, within seconds Jasper was at my side. “What did you see?” I answered with one word. “Alice” Everyone knew what Edward was up to now. “That little basted” Rose hissed while everyone agreed. “Surely he’ll change his mind” Esme muttered. “No Esme he’s there now” I hissed at her, while pushing my legs as fast as I could. “Will we make it in time?” Jasper asked me. “I don’t know” I answered him honestly.

We made it back to forks within the hour, when we made it to Edward, I didn’t think twice I pounced on him, while he was laughing over Alice’s lifeless body. “You little basted” I hissed at him, I could feel myself been pushed at the back of my body and someone coming forward.


Holey shit! “STAY AWAY FROM BELLA!” I hissed at everyone. What the heck? When did she get an alter ego. “You fucked with the wrong person Edward” Bella hissed. I could feel the major rattling at his cage. I thought Isa would never make an appearance the major roared in his cage trying to take over. Why didn’t you tell me she had an alter ego? I hissed at him, he just ignored me.

“What’s wrong Bella, you don’t want to attack first? I just killed your sister” Edward taunted her, she didn’t even move, she knows to always wait for them to attack. “That’s where your wrong Eddie boy. Bella’s long gone” Isa hissed at him. Fuck what am I supposed to do?


Ah finally I’m free, I could tell the Major in Jasper was happy I finally made my appearance, but I also knew Jasper was shocked. What the fuck Bella hissed at me. Calm down I’m your alter ego, just like Jasper has the major I told her before concentrating on the battle ahead of us.

As soon as I told him Bella was long gone I could see the fear in him, written all over his face. He charged right towards me. I grabbed his arm and slung him in to a tree. Before he could even get up to attack again, I was on top of him ripping his hand off. “You think you can just go and kill whoever you want” I hissed at him before ripping his other hand off. I wasn’t going to kill him he deserves to live with what he’s done today. He started laughing. “She’s my singer for fuck sake” He hissed at me. I moved away from him, to give him the satisfaction to attack me again. He didn’t get very far the major was ripping his head off within seconds. He picked me up and ran me away from the others before ripping my clothes off of me and slamming in to me. Time for me and Major to be introduced to each other.


Holy fuck, when did Bella get an alter ego?

Carlisle went to check on Alice. “She’s dead” We all looked at Edward who had a smile on his face. “You think it’s fucking funny?” I hissed at him before carrying on. “Because of you, we need to hide her body so nobody knows what happened here. She deserves better than that. She’s the chief of police’s daughter for fuck sake Edward; he’ll not stop looking for her for fuck sake” I snapped at him while Carlisle and Esme destroyed all evidence. “I sorted it. I wrote her father a note telling him she was leaving all we need to do is take her truck and set it a light with her body in it burning” Edward told us like it was nothing. “You can sort this Edward it’s your mess. You fix it” Esme hissed at him, disappointment in her voice.

Did Edward think they’ll stick up for him? His he really that delusional? We all helped Edward sort Alice’s death scene out before running back home while Bella and Jasper was still busy in the woods.


Holy fuck that has been the best sex ever. After Isa gave back my body after the major and Isa marked each other, we realised we had no clothes. “Is there any clothes back at the house here?” Jasper asked me after we calmed down from our climaxes. “Yeah I left some here” I told him. He picked me up bridal style and ran us to the Forks home.

“You know, why don’t we us this time to explore eachot-“ Was all I got out before Jasper was on top and slamming in to me.

After we came back around and dressed we realised the house was only just standing. “Shit, we could just say we was robbed” I told him while laughing. “The house stinks of sex and as our scent all over it Bella” Jasper told me. “It was just an idea.” I told him while shrugging my shoulders. “We cant even go in to town as everyone thinks we left town. What happened with Alice?” Jasper asked me. “Edward wrote her dad a note telling him she was leaving, then they set up a crash a placed her body in the car and set it on fire” I told him. “Well we best get back before anyone sees us” Jasper told me before picking me up and running me back home.

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