Chapter 11

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“Emmett, Rose. Go with Edward and Alice, meet us back at the house” Carlisle told everyone, once Edward grabbed Alice Emmett and Rose followed them to the Jeep, while we all ran home.

Bella was sat on my lap, looking for an outcome. The only way I can think of is to get Alice out of the area and send them on a wild goose chase, then kill them. “Jasper, that’s a brilliant idea it will work aswel” She grabbed a pen and paper and started writing incase they were in hearing distance...

Rose and Esme stay here and watch over Charlie because James is a tracker so he will follow her scent, which is all around Charlie. Carlisle, Emmet and Edward send him on the wild goose chase, we take Alice out of the country and take her to Phoenix. We all nodded, so she carried on. Edward won’t want to leave Alice alone but we will need to explain to him that – she didn’t get to finish telling us as there was a knock at the door with the scent of one of the nomads. Carlisle went to answer it, and came back in walking with Laurent, I grabbed Bella and put her behind me and got into a defensive crouch.

“I’ve come in peace. I’ve grown tired of James and Victoria’s games. I was hoping for you to help me with your lifestyle” Carlisle told him about the other Coven in Denali, that follow our lifestyle, when Edward, Alice, Rose and Emmett walked in. Edward was ready to attack until Carlisle told him what has just happened. “Nothing can stop James, I’ve never seen anything like him in my 300 years. He’s absolutely lethal. Don’t underestimate him, he’s got a brilliant mind and unparalleled senses. He’s every bit as comfortable in the human world as you seem to be, and he won’t come at you head on….I’m sorry for what’s been unleashed here. Truly sorry” With that he took off.

“So what’s the plan?” Edward asked us. Bella carried on writing on the sheet of paper so James doesn’t ear us incase he is in listening distance. Like I was saying James will know that Edward  won’t leave Alice, so he will follow Edwards scent to get to her. So Carlisle, Emmett and Edward leave in the Jeep, take some of Alice’s clothes and place them in the back seat. When they leave ring us and let us know when James follows you, then Esme and Rose leave in Bella’s truck, and drive out of town, again ring me and Jasper when Victoria follows you, then me and Jasper will take her to phoenix. When you lose Victoria Esme and Rose need to keep an eye on Charlie and the area. “How do you know that will work?” Edward asked her. “I’ve seen it” He just nodded at her, Edward said goodbye to Alice while everyone else got things ready. Esme put the shutters down, they was specifically made, even vampires can’t get through them. When I came back down, Edward was ready to go with Emmett and Carlisle, after they left Alice just stood there looking like her life was about to end, two minutes later Esme’s phone rang twice, so they both left after saying goodbye, so It was me, Bella and Alice left. I reached out for Alice’s emotions and it was nothing but self loathing. “You are worth it you know” I told her. “Well it doesn’t seem that way. You all hate me, but trying to save my life from a stupid vampire” Does she not realise we don’t hate her. “We don’t hate you” – was all I got out before Bella’s phone rang, Bella picked up Alice and ran her to Carlisle’s Mercedes, I got into the driver seat while Alice was in the back and Bella was on the passenger seat, I drove out of Forks and towards Phoenix with my hand in Bella’s we both had our wedding rings on.

“What was you saying before Jasper?” Alice asked me. “We may not act like we like you, but we do. It’s just Edward that we don’t like about the whole situation. I’ll let him explain it all” She just nodded her head, I looked at her through the rear view mirror when I noticed she was looking at mine and Bella’s entwined hands. “Are you married?” Alice asked us. Bella turned around in her seat and looked at her. “How much as Edward told you about us and our kind?” Bella asked her. “nothing really just that you don’t sleep, you feed off of animals, that’s it” Bella looked at me and shook her head. “ I guess you never heard of mates then? Well you see our kind don’t have boyfriends, well we do but there called mates, in it for life, see me and jasper have been with each other for 50 odd years, we’ve been married for about 49 years. We’ve had plenty of weddings.” Alice looked gob smacked. “You don’t look that old” We both started laughing. “Sorry, I guess Edward never told you the basics. We don’t age, were set in stone the day were changed. I was 20 when I was changed, well Bella she doesn’t remember anything” I told her while Bella was trying to hold her laughter in.  “Is there anything else I should know?” Alice asked us. How far should I get into this with her? “Well, there’s the vampire royalty who make sure we follow the laws” I told her while looking at the road. “what laws?” Me and Bella exchanged a look, before I could answer Bella beat me to it “Edward will have to explain, but now you know we don’t hate you. I’ve been wanting to get to know you, so we can go shopping you sure do need a new wardrobe, and you defiantly need a new car, I will have to speak to Edward about that” Bella told her, trying to change the subject.

“No way am I letting Edward buy me a car, you know what he’s like he would spend thousands, and I like how I dress.” Bella just rolled her eyes and told me to put her to sleep, just loud enough for me to ear. I sent Alice enough lethargy towards her as possible and within seconds she was out. This is sure going to be fun.

I woke Alice up when we arrived at Phoenix, to get into the hotel, we got a room with 2 beds in, even though me and Bella don’t sleep. When we arrived into the hotel room Alice was out cold again, so we put her into the bed, and left her to sleep. We closed all the curtains so we don’t expose our skin. I don’t know how we would be able to explain about our skin sparkling.

A couple of hours Alice woke up, so Bella ordered her room service for her breakfast. We was sat in completer silence, when I heard Bella gasp. “He’s changed course. Mirrors, Dark rooms” I grabbed a piece of paper and pencil so she could draw what her vision was showing her. Alice noticed what Bella was doing and asked me what she was doing “She’s drawing where James is going. She can see the future”  I told her, she looked at the drawing when out of nowhere she tells us where the exit goes. We both looked at her “You know this place?” Bella asked her. “Yeah it’s my old ballet studio it was round the corner from my mum’s house here in Phoenix why?”  Bella didn’t get to answer as her phone started ringing “Hello?” “It’s Edward, we’ve lost him” Bella looked at me. “Yeah I’ve just had a vision of him loosing you” She told him. “Were on our way when to phoenix were getting the next plane out there, its in an hour’s time, so we should be there soon” Edward told us. “Ok see you then” With that she put the phone down and me and Bella looked at each other. How the hell does James know about the ballet studio and how the hell does her know we are in Phoenix?

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