Chapter 22

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We’ve just drove in to Alaska, with Bella’s driving and her pissed off mood we made it here less than a couple of hours. I’ve never seen her so pissed. Me I’m livid, he’s saving his singers blood, told everyone she was his mate, let her know about us, let her live as a human. She should have been changed the moment she found out, now my mates life is in danger of the Volturi. I know we could defeat them if we wanted to, but that isn’t the point. Edward as put his family in a dangerous situation. I wonder what Carlisle has to say about his golden boy.

“Were nearly home” Bella told me, bringing me out of my thoughts. “How are we going to do this?” I asked her. “Keep it all out of your thoughts so he won’t find out, if you need to think about our private times, it’ll keep him out. We get as much information as we can before we let others know what we found out” Bella told me, before we pulled in to the Cullen’s mile long driveway.

“Your back early” Esme told us while running to pull us both in to a hug. “Yeah, we thought we’d come home for a bit before we went to see Samuel and Jackson” I told them. “Well I’m happy to have you back” Esme told us stepping back in to the house. “I’ve put everything in to your bedroom, but I didn’t unpack I know what Bella’s like” Jason told me, I laughed at him. “Yeah Bella would of gone crazy if you unpacked everything” I told him before following Bella in to our room to unpack.

“So you get everything sorted?” Jason asked us. “Yeah everything is unpacked daddy J” Bella answered him, while pushing me down to sit in the love seat.

“Do you have to think about your times with Bella? It’s disgusting” Edward hissed at me. “Don’t like it stay out of my head” I hissed back at him. He just stared at me until Bella changed the subject. “How did it go with Alice, Edward?” He looked at her for a second with panic on his face, before he masked it as well as his emotions. “It went fine, she was heartbroken obviously, but after I explained that it was for her own safety she understood” Edward told her, Bella tensed but quickly relaxed. “Oh well at least she understands now” Edward looked at her for a second. “What are you hiding?” Edward hissed at her. “Watch it boy” I warned him. “Nothing I’m just trying not to think about mine and Jaspers private times we’ve had since we left Forks” Bella told him smoothly. “Can you at least get your husband to do the same?” Bella looked at me and started laughing. “No can do sorry. Anyway, when did you get back?” Bella carried on. “A couple of hours ago why?” Bella looked at me for a quick second. “Oh just wondering. I wanted to know how my brothers been that’s all” Bella told him before dragging me upstairs.

A bedroom demolished later we were back downstairs with everyone. “I guess I have a bedroom to fix” Esme mumbled before running upstairs. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” Esme shouted. “Sorry mom” Bella told her. There was nothing left of the bedroom.  “You’re so boisterous in the bedroom Jay” Emmett boomed.  I just rolled my eyes at him.


How dare he lie to my face, I had to get busy in the bedroom before I rip his head off. After our love making, we went back downstairs.

“Family meeting” I shouted for everyone. After everyone gathered around the table I started. “Ok, before I tell you anything, I think Edward should tell us what he said to Alice and No lies this time Edward” I looked right towards him. “I told you the truth” He looked me right in the eye. “Well if that’s the truth, why have I heard different?” I asked him. “What do you mean, by who?” Edward asked me with panic in his voice. I just laughed at him. “Well after we left the bank Jasper thought of something which made me go in to a vision of Alice, she was depressed sat at her window like she was waiting for something to jump through her window. After we thought about it, we realised you must of done something to put her in that state” I told him his eyes was widened. “Do you want to tell them what really happened or should I carry on?” I asked him, which he just stayed silent to. “Ok well anyway we went to go and check on Alice and say bye to her, but we found out what Edward really told her” Emmett and Rose looked pissed knowing Edward lied to them.

 “When she came to the door we thought she was a zombie, after she got over the surprise of us been there she let us in. After a couple of seconds of silence Bella asked her what happened. She told us that Edward took her in to the woods and told her that we never classed her as family, which I told her that we classed her as our sister whether she likes it or not. She then went on to tell us that he told her that he was leaving and she’s lucky he’s leaving her alive for now” Jasper told everyone, all I heard was gasps from everyone. “We will talk about this later Edward” Carlisle told him before he turned to look towards me and Jasper.

“What made the vision come to you Bella?” I looked at Jasper for him to answer. “Well I was thinking If I ever thought about leaving Bella, I’d be unimaginable pain, but Edward could think about it and went through with it. I then asked Bella to think about leaving and she had to pull over to catch her un-needed breath. She asked me what feelings I got from Edward when he was around Alice, and I answered honestly Love but I couldn’t tell if it was for Alice herself or for her blood” Rose looked pissed. “WHY!” Rose hissed at him. “I wanna know why you put our life in danger Edward, she needs to be changed, especially before the Volturi find out” I hissed at him. “Her blood is for me to drink and I’m saving it, any of you change her, you won’t be living anym-“Jasper had him pinned against the floor before he could even finish his sentence. “Bella darlin, call Alice, so we can talk to her” Jasper told me.

I pulled out my phone, dialled Alice and put it on speakerphone in the middle of the table; I know we don’t need the speakerphone but It might help Alice hear us all better.

“Bella?” Alice whispered.

“Hi Alice, how are you?” I asked her while keeping my eyes locked on to Edward and Jasper.

“Getting there. What’s up?” Alice asked me.

“We was wondering if you wanted to become one of us” Jasper asked her, while he still had Edward pinned against the wall, who was snarling, while everyone else agreed with Jasper, she needed to be changed. “But I must warn you Alice, I know this might be hard to understand, but you are not Edward’s mate. You know we told you we was going to sort it all out, well we found out Edward was only with you for your blood.” She was silent for a while. “Ok, well what’s my options I be changed or…” She left the question for us to answer. “Or we will be destroyed for leaving you human with knowledge of our kind” I told her honestly. “Can I call you back my dad’s just got home?” I answered her. “Of course, Bye” We all answered before I hung up.

“I mean it, you change her and take my singers blood away, I’ll kill you” Edward hissed in Jaspers face. I pushed Jasper away from Edward and slung Edward to the floor with my foot on his neck. “You threaten us again I will not hesitate to kill you” I hissed in his face. He just nodded so I got back up and went back next to Jasper. “Ok well we’ll wait till we hear from Alice, before we decide what happens. Edward she has to be changed, or the Volturi will come” Carlisle told everyone before leaving the table. Me and Jasper went back to our room to wait till Alice calls.

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