Til Death Do Us Part Pt2/Ambreigns

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Realizing Roman would be there soon he pushed all thoughts of H and his weird new job out of his head and focused on Roman! A few minutes later Dean saw Roman pull in, but he didn't get out of the loaner car they had let him use. Confused, he went outside and met him, they talked and Dean told him everything he had done and Roman thanked him, before they went inside. After checking out his car they talked for a few more minutes, before Roman had to go. After he left, Dean was pissed with himself for not asking him out. It's been a damn week and he still couldn't get Roman off his mind, at least he had his dirty thoughts and dreams to keep him company. His thoughts were interrupted by the bartender asking him if he wanted another beer.

"Hey, handsome, you ready for another?"

"You know what; I think I'm good actually. I'm just going to go home." Dean answered, before he finished the rest of his beer in one drink and placed the bottle back onto the counter.

"You feeling alright, Dean?" The pretty blond girl asked concerned. "You don't seem like yourself tonight?"

"Just tired, long day." Dean replied smiling, as he took his wallet out and paid her for his beer, making sure to give an extra special tip. "Have a good night, Tia."

"You too, Ambrose."

He left the bar and walked home, this time he made it inside his apartment. He locked the door behind him and kicked off his boots, before he went into the living room without turning on any lights and laid down on his back on the couch. Closing his eyes, his mind was instantly filled with thoughts of Roman, he sighed as he put an arm over his eyes. He couldn't believe how much he was screwing with him, he needed to find a way to see him again...soon, or he was going to lose the little sanity he had left!

**Two Days Later**:

Roman Reigns drove through the busy streets, it was early and he was on his way to work as a construction worker. It was hard work, with long hours and it could get boring at times, but at least he wasn't stuck inside all day. He really didn't want to be at work today, he hadn't slept well the night before; his mind full of non-stop images of Dean Ambrose, the sexy, bad boy mechanic, he had met days ago when he took his car to be fixed. Of course, his best friend...brother Seth Rollins made his life hell by teasing him every chance he got over his crush. He sighed, as he turned the radio on and began to think about his life.

Roman grew up an only child and because of that his parents were extremely overprotective of him and even though he loved them both deeply, he rebelled and fought with them a lot. When he was 18 his parents died in a car crash and his whole world was thrown upside down. With no other family, he ended up on the streets doing whatever he had to do to survive. When he was 20 he met a man who was looking for someone to kill his business partner and even though he had never killed anyone before Roman took the job. After it was over he realized how good he was at it and decided to keep doing it; the money was quick, easy and damn good! As time went by he got better and smarter and he became one of the best in the business; he's never been suspected in any of his murders and neither have the people who have hired him. For the last three years though, he's been hearing talk about another hitman whose record was a little better than his. He's never met the guy and in this business that was a good thing! He had to admit though he was a little curious to know who he was and what he was like. He had made a lot of money over the years, but lived a simple life and worked a regular job, so he didn't draw attention to himself.

The Shield One Shots Book 2!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя