I put my hand in hers, and squeezed gently like I was holding Yang's hand.

Ruby: Just give him a chance to prove himself to you... please Preator...

Preator removed her helmet, and showed Yang and I that she was a robot. She had an insignia on the side of her head saying JKLYN-4.

Preator: Call me Jacklyn, Ruby.

I smiled, and nodded.

Ruby: Just an FYI, if you go looking for him, I'd best say in the arena. That's where he goes to blow off steam.

She nods, and leaves the room, leaving Yang and I. We decided to watch over Salem that day.


I was in the arena, shooting at multiple holograms. Soon, I heard a door open, and I didn't have to look to know who it was.

Y/N: Come to tell me how shitty my plan is? Or you just wanna talk other shit to me?

She shut down the training session, and I collapsed onto the ground, looking completely red due to me being out of my armor, and wearing a green tank top, and black athletic shorts. My body was near it's limit for today.

Jacklyn: I wanted to apologize for sounding like a bitch to you...

Y/N: Ehhh... I'm used to being bitched at...

Jacklyn came into the arena, and removed her armor. Once completely removed, she was wearing spandex shorts and a sports bra.

Jacklyn: Tell you what... if you beat me, I'll apologize for making the look of your plan being a shitty one.

Y/N: And if you win?

Jacklyn: I'm still working on that.

I smirked as I put on my MMA gloves. She wrapped some athletic tape around her wrist and hands, and then put on some MMA gloves. The bell rang over the intercom, and we rushed at each other.

Timeskip brought to you by a chibi hunter boxing against a chibi Titan

I'm currently kneeling on the ground as my sister is doing the same thing. She has steam emanating from her body while I'm trying to catch my breath.

Y/N: Give up?

Jacklyn: How about we call it a draw?

Glynda walked in, and when I looked around, I saw other students applauding us for the entertainment.

Y/N: Did you see the students walk in?

Jacklyn: I thought you were watching.

Y/N: Dammit Jacklyn, you useless lesbian.

Jacklyn: Fuck off...

We collapsed onto the ground out of breath. We laid on our backs while her head was next to mine.

Y/N: Hey sis?

Jacklyn: Yeah?

Y/N: I'm sorry for being a dick earlier...

Jacklyn: Yeah, me too, big brother...

We slowly managed to stand up, but we wobbled a bit as we did. We walked towards each other, and we hugged. The audience awwed at us, and we flipped them off, causing an uproar of laughter.

Glynda: Well, while I'm glad you two managed to mend your relationship, you two owe me a detention for unauthorized use of the arena.

Y/N: Babe, you know I use this place almost every day. What makes today different?

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