Hidden Thoughts

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"I honestly don't understand why you guys hang out with those gits you call friends", a fourth-year Severus asked the red-headed twin Weasley girls. This was said shortly after Severus had been teased by the marauders once again. He had run off, but since the twins also being his friends had went to comfort him. "Trust us mate, they aren't as bad as they appear.", said Storm. "They only do that to you since you have the same love interest as their "leader" anyways", finished Emma after her twin. "Ughhhh, but who wouldn't like Lily like that?", Severus groaned in frustration. "Umm, us?", Storm said as Emma giggled. "Ewww, I didn't mean it like that!", Severus said in embarrassment as Emma went into a fit of giggles. "I know, I was just messin' with ya. Anyways, you shouldn't take the Marauder's teasing so hard.", Storm continued. "It'll probably make Lily think you're weak.", Emma taunted afterwards. "Yeah, if you've been trying to win her over you haven't exactly been doing the best of jobs Sev.", Storm said. "You know what, you're right. It's about time I show them that they can't get to me anymore. Thanks for the advice girls, I'm going to go find Lily now and show her the new me.", Severus said with new-founded courage as he walked off. "Did he know that we were teasing him again and that we weren't actually giving him advice?", Emma asked worriedly to her twin. "Eh, what does it matter? This will be interesting to watch play out anyways.", Storm said making herself laugh at the thought. This was definitely the true nature of the Weasley girls.

The girls were now making their way back to wherever the Marauders were. "Did I see a twinge of jealousy when I mentioned Potter and Lily?", Storm asked her twin as they were walking back. "No, why would I be jealous? I've never said that I liked him!", Emma said as she was slightly offended. "You never had to say anything. Besides, I've already shipped you two.", she said as she smiled teasingly. "Well, even if there was a SLIGHT chance that I liked him he would never get over Lily! We should know!", Emma said as she felt she was starting to get a little more mad then intending to. "Geez calm down! Besides, I know that you have your eye for someone else.", Storm said as she now made her twin freak out a little bit. "YOU DO?", Emma said a little scared now. "Of course, you like Moony!", Storm said as she thought that it had been quite obvious for a while now. "Wait, how did you know that?!?", Emma said irritably as she then blushed terribly in realization of what she just said. She had never told her twin this, and it sometimes surprised her at how easily her twin was able to read her. "You're too obvious little sis. Also, I have eyes.", she said as her twin just became more confused. "I'm sorry, but I still don't know what you mean.", Emma said. "Wow, for a quote "Smart girl" you aren't actually that smart.", Storm said then being smacked on the arm by her twin before she continued. "I've seen you guys study in the library together, and you know how many times you've been partners in projects now?", Storm said as she was listing the multiple instances of her twins obviousness. "Don't forget to mention, twintuition!", Storm finished as she ruffled her twin's hair. "You know that's not an actual word right? I'm pretty sure you just made that up.", an irritated Emma said after becoming mad over her now messy hair. (From Storm's point of view: "You wouldn't believe how much time my twin spends on her hair! She isn't even insulted when I try to mock her by calling her Princess!) "Wait, does this mean you're mad at me?", Emma said as she became saddened at the thought remembering how her sister had told her that she had a crush on Remus at one point. Emma hated the thought of having her twin actually being upset with her.

Emma's ridiculous question made Storm stop immediately in her tracks. "Why in the world do you think I would be mad at you?!?!", Storm felt she may have accidentally said a little too harshly. "I mean, for liking the same guy. I would never do anything to purposefully cross you on guys, but I think I actually do like Remus.", Emma said smiling as she just admitted her crush on him for the first time. "No no no no no no no! That was in the past! I mean Remus is okay, but he is all yours! I mean, HE FOLDS HIS SOCKS!!!!!!!! AND I TOLD YOU THAT'S WHAT PRINCESSES DO!!!!!!!", Storm now yelled at her twin. "Wait, you were insulting me when you said that on the day I was doing my laundry?", Emma said genuinely confused. Storm just facepalmed and kept walking back. "Wait! Doing laundry is not a thing for royalty!", Emma said as she was still not catching her drift. "Ughhh, just shut up and follow me.", Storm said as she was still facing forwards. Emma then ran to catch up as they then approached the Marauders. "Ummm, what did you guys do to Severus while you were off?", James asked the approaching twins. "Excuse me! We are ladies, not guys!", Storm said in mock hurt as Emma just continued laughing. "We just gave him some "helpful" advice", Emma said with a sly smile after she managed to quit dying of laughter. Storm always knew how to crack up her twin in probably every situation. "Sure, helpful advice.", Remus said with a look of disbelief as he was nodding his head. "You know we're the best advice givers 'round here Moony! You should know, remember when we told Sirius that you were in the Slytherin girl's dormitories and he went to go find you?", Storm said as Emma was practically suffocating. "Geez, hold yourself together.", Sirius said to Emma as he was shaking his head and looking down at her. "Oh, don't mind her. She's found practically everything funny today.", Storm said as she was rolling her eyes. "I find her laughing kinda cute.", Remus said before covering his mouth, blushing and RUNNING AWAY!

Everyone's jaw practically dropped as Emma's face turned as red as a tomato. "Ummmmm Ummmmmm Ummmmm, I'm............. Gonna go find Remus?", Emma said as she then ran off in the opposite direction! "Well, if he's gonna let out with who his crush is.......", Sirius said before he got whacked upside the head by James. "Why can't I?", Sirius whined to him. "No! Now is not the time for that Padfoot.", James told Sirius as Storm then looked confused. "Plus, It's not like anyone would take you seriously.", Storm told him. "But I am Sirius.", Sirius said as he smiled and Storm facepalming for the second time today. "Ughhhh, maybe I should just go find my twin to put some sense back into her.", Storm said as she was now half Storming off half just walking. "Oi! Quit staring at her behind!", Lily yelled at Sirius scaring Sirius half to death. "I wasn't staring! I was ummmmm.............. Examining?", Sirius said trying to play innocent. "Ewwwww! Just quit talking!", Lily yelled causing James to laugh. "Please, oh can I please follow after her?", Sirius pleaded James. "I don't think that would even be safe for her!", James laughed. "Too late.", Lily said as she saw Sirius running after Storm now.

*Emma's POV*

I ran off to the one place I would've bet that he ran to, the library. So, of course, he was there, trying to bury himself in NEXT WEEK'S assignment. "Studying for potions are you?", I asked startling him. "Oh, yeah. Not too good at the subject so I thought I might get a head start on it?", Remus said hoping she would believe that lie. "Sure, It's not like you're just doing that because you don't want to admit that you actually might be doing this for fun?", I said as I caused him to blush. " Well, I'm not the only one. You've probably already gotten this assignment completed haven't you?", he asked as it was apparently my turn to blush. "I may have completed that assignment as I was doing my light reading in bed.", I said as I thought that that was no big deal. "You do this kind of stuff for light reading in bed?", Remus asked a little taken aback. "Of course. Y'know, these potions textbooks can give you some pretty interesting dreams.", Emma said as she caused herself to giggle. It took that one giggle though to give him that lovesick puppy look again. "I generally don't know the cause behind those lovely giggles of yours, but I do love hearing them.", he said as he was clearly unaware that he was speaking his thoughts. "You find my giggles lovely?", Emma asked as she was now smiling from the compliment. "Ummmm, did I say that? I meant............ Ughhhh! This assignment is hard!", Remus complained. "Wait! DID I JUST HEAR THE NERDY MARAUDER SAY THAT!!!!!!!!", I screamed before being shushed by the librarian. That caused him to laugh this time. "I don't always know how to do everything okay! I've only ever admitted this around you because you're the one person I trust who won't go around taunting me with this", he said as he became slightly embarrassed admitting that he wasn't the genius everyone thought he was. "Well, I like knowing that I have your trust. But I don't think it's a wise decision entrusting a Weasley twin with this "Secret" though. I'm afraid I'm going to have to tell my twin who I believe will be equally astonished!", I said as Moony then glared at me. "No! Do not at any cost tell your twin!", he said as he was now looking like he was worried for his reputation. "You've got to catch me first!", I said as I ran off to the direction I assumed my twin would be. I now had an angry Remus trailing after me, but I had to admit, this was really funny!

*Storm's POV- occurring at the same time Emma is in the library with Remus*

Storm went into the Gryffindor common room disappointed that her twin tuition had failed for once on the search for her little sis. She then laughed at the thought of Sirius trying to confess. "Would Siri really try to confess up to anyone?", Storm thought aloud as she then continued to laugh a bit. "Yes, I would.", Sirius said causing Storm to turn around in surprise. "Did you follow me here?", Storm asked suspiciously arching her eyebrow. "Ummmmmm, I was just running back here to grab my.......... coat?", Sirius said trying to not look suspicious this time. "It's Summer! Why would you need a coat in the bloody heatwave that we practically have!", Storm said as she was about to do her third facepalm of the day. "Hey, you don't know how the weather makes me feel, or how you make me feel!", Sirius said as he covered his mouth in surprise. He did not expect himself to turn the conversation that way. "Did you just say?", Storm was about to finish when Sirius butted in saying, "No! Don't listen to me. I.......must be sick since I wanted a coat. So.........I'm delusional?!", he said trying to make himself sound less crazy but failing. "Sure. Umm, you probably are delusional since the Sirius I know doesn't fall in love that easily. I'm going to the library since that was my second guess on where my little sis was. Please, don't follow me.", Storm said as she then left a surprisingly broken-hearted Sirius. She still couldn't help but think if Sirius really meant what he said in the common room. 'Sirius, loving me? Is that really possible?', I thought as I was about to come upon the doors of the library when I nearly got smacked by my twin running out with an angry-looking Remus following behind.

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