Chapter 5

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You had fallen asleep still holding Shawn's hand not daring to let go. You were awaken by Shawn's parents who had just arrived at the hospital with his sister. "I'm sorry," you say quietly feeling ashamed. Shawn's mom kneels in front of you, "Oh honey it's ok it wasn't your fault, it was a drunk driver." You look at her as your eyes start to water again. "N-n-no i'm sorry it's him and not me. He has so much more going on in his life. He doesn't deserve this." Shawn's mom is about to cry herself and hugs you.
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It was now 7 pm and Shawn's parents are taking his sister home. Your phone starts ringing. It's Chloe. You answer.
C- "Bri are you ok? Why didn't you show up"
B-"Um yeah i'm fine but um can you come to the hospital please"
C-"What why are you at the hospital? Bri what happened?"
You stay silent feeling yourself about to cry
B-"Just come please."
C-"ok fine i'm on my way send me the room number"
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A   C O U P L E   M I N U T E S   P A S S
You just stare at Shawn trying not to start crying again. Everything was going so well but that stupid drunk driver had-
Your thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Come in" you say as loud as your voice allows you to without crying. It's Chloe.
"Omg Bri what happened" You don't answer just open your arms gesturing for her to come hug you. She rushes over, drops her things and hugs you. You hug her with one arm refusing to let go of Shawn's hand.
She looks at Shawn. "Is he-" "he's in a coma" you answer before she can finish.
"Bri i'm so sorry" Your eyes start to water again and all you can think about is how if you would've said no to coffee, Shawn wouldn't have turned that street.
"It's my fault" you say with a cracking voice. "I'm sure that's not true. Hey look at me. Bri this wasn't your fault ok. Things happen. They're not always good but you and Shawn get through everything. Trust me" You don't know what to believe anymore. You just wanted Shawn to wake up. "Bri i'm sorry but i have to go. I'll come back tomorrow ok" You nod and hug her goodbye. As she is leaving Shawn's parents come in though the door. Shawn's dad kneels beside you. "Bri why don't you go get some rest. You have a fractured rib honey" You look at him with intense eyes "No i'm not leaving Shawn. Can't they move my bed here?" Shawn's dad was about to say no when his mom interrupts him. "I'll see what i can do honey" You smile."Thank you"
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A nurse walks in with another bed and places it right next to Shawn's. She helps you move out of the wheelchair and into the bed. She took the wheelchair and closed the door behind her.
"Shawn baby please wake up. You can't leave me. I need you. I love you so much. I love you more than anyone in this world. I'm nothing without you. Please Shawn wake up. You promised. You promised me you will always get here. I need you here. Please Shawn. I am not leaving your side for one minute ok. Shawn I had so many amazing things planned for us. Please wake up baby"

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