~chapter one~

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"Maddie! I'm going to leave you here if you don't get ready!" My mom called at my room. I threw on a sweater and leggings before grabbing some shoes and running into the kitchen.

"You're going to get us kicked out of the apartment with your yelling." I said as I grabbed some cereal from the pantry and a bowl from the cabinet.

"I wouldn't be getting us kicked out if you would get up and be ready when I'm ready to leave." She retorted back. Sometimes my mom and I got along great...other times not so much. I knew pissing her off this early in the morning wasn't a good idea. I had learned that after I yelled at her and had to take the bus to school from the rest of the week. And trust me, that's the worst punishment ever. If you don't have to ever ride the bus, you better be thanking the heavens.

I would be driving myself, but first of all, didn't have a car, and second of all didn't have a license yet. I would be getting it in three months and once I had that license and car in my possession, I would never be riding the bus home again. 

But for now, I was stuck riding with my mom in the mornings and on the bus in the afternoon. 

"Bye sweetie, see you tonight."

"Bye Kathy." 

"Don't call me that...can I get a hug before you go?" She asked and I hugged her for a minute before heading to school. I was in a photography class in school and through it I had met my favorite teacher Coach Watson, but we all just called him coach. Anyways, we would all meet in his room before school and share the tea or groan about how tired we were. I had gotten there second, with one of my friends Alison there before me. 

"Hey Alice." We all just called her that for short. I sat down in the desk in front of her. 

"Hey girlll!" She squealed. She was definitely the most girly one of all of us. 

"So here's the tea. My mom has been talking to this guy and they are calling all the time and-"

"HEY BITCHESS!" Danielle laughed as she came in the room. She pointed her fingers at me before speaking again, "So you said you have tea?" She asked calmly as she sat down next to me. Danielle was probably my best friend when it came to stuff like this. We would always be spilling the steaming tea if we weren't laughing or pointing out hot guys. We especially obsessed over guys who were way out of our league.

"Yeah. So, you know my mom has been hiding something from me?"

"Yeah, you thought she had a boyfriend?" Danielle guessed.

"Yeah, well she finally told me but they broke up yesterday."

"Dangg." Danielle exaggerated.

"Yeah." I paused, "But she has a new boyfriend now apparently that she also hasn't told me about."

Alice laughed, "Why would she hide it when you already knew the first time."

"I know!" I agreed.

"Did you make it obvious you knew?" Danielle asked.

"Yeah and she just denies it." Danielle and I laughed together.

"I mean I guess she'll tell you when she's ready." Alice suggested.

"I guess." I laughed as the warning bell rang. We all groaned in unison. We always had fun conversations before class and always wanted to just hang in Coach's room all day.


Luckily I had lunch with Danielle and my other best friend, which made the class fun. The main reason I liked the class though was because of my crush that I've had since the beginning of the school year. To me he was amazing, but no one else really liked him. He probably wan't good for me but I had gotten attached to him and just couldn't shake him. 

"Can we please eat in the library today?" Danielle begged.

"No, I don't want to today." I responded.

"Because you want to see him." Danielle knew him pretty well but not fully. I gave her a confirming look before we headed over to where we usually sat if we ate in the lunch room. Danielle gave me the look every once in a while, nonverbally reminding me how much she disliked him.  Although she hated him, she supported me and my decisions.

Most of the class was me and Danielle talking about hot guys, listening to funny (but also good) songs. 

"That's him!" Danielle lowkey pointed to a guy.

"Which one?" I asked, not even having a clue where to look.

"The one in the pink short sleeved shirt." She described and I finally saw him.

"Isn't he hottt." She exaggerated. He wasn't that hot but I think it was just because he wasn't really my type. I don't really remember when Danielle had started talking about this guy but apparently they kind of had a thing, which I supported her the same she would with some guy and I.

"He's cute, I approve." I responded.

"Thank you Maddie, I'm glad you approve." She laughed and I joined her.

~later that week~

I really didn't want to go home today but luckily it was the day Danielle would come over and we would hang out and take pictures. Danielle texted me and said that she was going to pick us up pizza before coming over. I was always excited for this day every week because it was always fun and tea was always spilt.

"Maddie I have to tell you something." My mom said as I sat on the couch.

"That you have a boyfriend who you've been secretly hiding from me?"

"No! Maddie what are you talking about?!" She ranted. I waited for her to tell me and she finally let out a breath, "I have a boyfriend and I'm going on a date with him on Saturday."

I paused, "That's basically what I guessed."

"I know." She said like there was nothing strange about it.

"Okkk...well have fun?" I said slowly and she nodded, "Can I invite Danielle over then?"

"Yeah, sure." She responded. I gave her a nod before going to my room.

Danielle came over after an hour or two and we made coffee with way too much sugar and creamer and ate the pizza she brought.

"My mom told me about her 'secret' boyfriend today."

"Oh my gosh, really?" 

"Yeah, I literally guessed it and she denied it and then told me the same thing I guessed."

She laughed and I spoke again, "Apparently they are going on a date Saturday if you want to hang out."

"I'll have to see if I'm working but if I'm not I for sure will." 

We ate pizza for a while longer and I broke the silence, "How are you and Micah?"

"Good I guess but like...I don't know. Sometimes I really like him but I think the parts that I like about him aren't real, like I imagine an unreal relationship between us. But at the same time, am I going to do anything about it? No." She laughed. 

"Yeah...I mean, I guess just let it happen right?"

"That's the plan." 

The rest of the night was fun and we had a bunch of deep and funny chats, but right as she left I got onto my phone and looked for an instagram or facebook for this guy my mom was dating. I knew it was a little nosey but we were each other's support systems and it never hurt to get a little advice from someone.

After a while of searching, I found the guy that was most likely what my mom had described. I looked at his facebook and in his bio it said: 

"Single father of 3 boys, ages of 10, 12, and 15. Hunting and mudding are my hobbies. *name of currently lived in town*"

If this guy could possibly be my future stepdad...I'm at least glad one of them is close to me in age. Although it would suck that they are all guys...unless...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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