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"You're a fucking idiot!" Shouted Sweet Pea as he paced around his trailer.

I let myself in and closed the door behind me. "Look I'm sorry but I didn't want to bother Jughead or even know where he is. You're the only person I know that could help me. I would go by myself but I don't know the way."

"You know normal people don't just leave a bag full of their belongings out in the open without any supervision!" He kept blabbering on and on about how I was stupid for leaving my bag in the truck when I went to the concession stand.

My attention wasn't primarily on Sweet Pea's wet body anymore seeing as he now stood only an arms length away from me, infuriated. Instead, I was focused on my own safety. Seeing this dude mad was not a sight to wish for.

I gulped, not liking the look he gave me. Finally, seeing no point in standing there and being yelled at by a guy I barely knew, I decided to leave. "You know what? It's whatever, I'll have Jughead take me tomorrow or something. Sorry for asking."

As I grabbed the door handle, I stopped in my tracks at what I heard next.

"Wait, no. I'll take you. Just wait here, let me go change." He spoke before turning around and disappearing behind a door.

I was a bit shocked but stuck around nonetheless. I stood awkwardly by his door, looking around his small but cozy trailer.

I noticed his Serpent jacket draped over the back of a chair. I inspected it from afar due to the fact that I felt too scared to go up close. The thought of angering Sweet Pea even further didn't seem appealing to me. I felt as if even if I breathed wrong he would've lost his shit.

Therefore, I stood grounded to my spot.

After only a couple of minutes, Sweet Pea emerged from his room. As opposed to what he was wearing earlier which consisted of black jeans, black boots, and a plain black t-shirt shirt with his Serpent jacket over it, Sweet Pea had dressed down.

He wore blue jeans and a white wife beater, covering it up with a flannel. His wet hair was slicked back messily as if he had ran his hand through it a few times. He walked over to the chair and shrugged on the infamous leather jacket.

I noticed him pocket his keys and his phone before turning to me. "Let's go before I regret this and go to bed instead."

I turned around and opened the door, stepping out into the night. Sweet Pea followed behind me and shut off the lights to the trailer before locking and closing the door.

"We're not taking the motorcycle. It'll draw too much attention."

I nodded silently and followed him through the trailer park until we reached the entrance.

Sweet Pea's steps were long and rushed. I became short breathed as I had to basically run behind him to keep up.

"Hey! I would appreciate it if you slowed down. Some of us aren't 6 foot giants blessed with long legs!" I panted.

"Sucks." I heard him say over his shoulder and if possible, he picked up his pace.

I rolled my eyes. "Why are you such an ass?"

He turned around at the speed of light, making me halt to a complete stop when I finally caught up to him a few feet away.

"Why are you such an idiot? To think I was actually interested in you." He scoffed before continuing to walk or in his case basically jog.

My eyes widened. He was interested in me? I just thought the two times that he directly interacted with me was to bother the new girl in town. He did seem like the type to flirt and pursue girls for fun and then drop them afterwards.

After Hours (Sweet Pea)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora