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It's been hour since I had gotten back from the diner and my grandmother and I had crashed on the couch, watching TV with Maverick asleep at our feet. I didn't pay much attention to the news channel grandma put on and instead opted for my phone.

I was checking up on a few friends through social media when someone started frantically knocking on the door. Grandma let out a groan and started cursing under her breath as she gathered up her flip flops and prepared to get up.

"I got it, Nan." I sat her back down and made my way to the door as the knocking continued. I threw the door open and Jughead stood on the front porch, out of breath.

I guess grandma had gotten a peek on who was knocking because she hollered, "Jughead Jones!  If you don't stop knocking on my goddamn screen door so hard I'll kill ya! What's the matter with you, boy?!?"

At this point, my grandma was already behind me and giving Jughead a piece of her mind. "You're buying me a new goddamn door if you break this one, I ain't playing with ya. I'll go over there myself and tell FP-"

"Okay, Maggie!" Jughead screamed.

It went silent and then my grandma spoke up again. "What do you want, boy?"

"A bunch of Serpents and I decided to reopen the drive-in tonight for a one night only double special. I was wondering if Dallas wanted to come."

"Tell me about this reopening of the drive-in, does the owner know? I don't want my granddaughter getting into funny business." Grandma pushed me out of the way of the door and now stood in front of Jughead.

"Yes, Maggie. It is perfectly legal, I already talked to Carl and he said he'd let us use it."

"Well okay then. Only if Dally wants to go."

I mentally cringed at the nickname only my grandmother and other family members called me. I preferred Dallas.

I smiled, "Sure. Let me get changed."

"Okay but quick cause I'm supposed to be starting the movie in half an hour and I have to set up."

In my room, I changed out of my short pajama bottoms and tank top and threw on a pair of plain jean shorts, a crew neck and my beat up black Converse. I left my curly hair in its messy bun, grabbed my favorite blanket and my bag, and within five minutes I was out the door with my grandma screaming behind me, "Don't be out too late! Take care of her, Jughead!"

I was glad I brought a blanket with me as a chilly summer night breeze blew past my bare legs. Jughead and I walked opposite of the way we had to get to Pop's and I was once again lost on where we were, not to mention it was dark and I couldn't see anything specific to remember around us.

"Don't tell Maggie this, but the owner doesn't know that we're going to be at the drive in tonight." Jughead chuckled sheepishly.

"What?! Isn't that trespassing?" The thought of doing something illegal didn't bother me as much as it should've. I was ready to have a fun this summer and if hanging out with Jughead and his friends ensured that then I was ready for it. Though I was still skeptical.

"Not if they don't know about it."

I found it hard to believe that no one would notice activity at a drive in but ignored it nonetheless. If Jughead was sure that everything would be fine then I'd just have to trust him.

"It'll be fun anyway," he continued.

"What movie are we watching?"

I started to notice that more and more teens were walking alongside us or were up ahead. It seemed as if the whole town was going to this drive in.

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