The Forgotten (23)

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Warning: slightly sexual content getting to the end of this chapter so if you don't wish to read, please skip!

The next few days went by quickly with me flirting and teasing Marcus. I could tell that his resolve was beginning to fade. I woke up on Thursday morning entangled in Marcus’ arms and I smiled. I tried to wriggle out of his grasp but he gripped tighter so I thought of a more creative way to wake him up.

I placed butterfly kisses on his navel and worked my way up to his cheek. His eyes flew open and his nails dug into my back. I grinned as he started to move closer to me but I put a hand over his mouth before he could claim a kiss. “Nuh-uh, morning breath.” I said before freeing myself from his tight embrace and going to brush my teeth. I could hear him muttering about needing a cold shower and I grinned to myself.

Today was the day of the dance which I was really excited about. I couldn’t wait for Marcus to see me in the dress I’d bought. We walked down to the meeting room for our final session with Isaac. Well he said it was our final session with him but to be honest, all of the stuff that we’d been doing was just with our partners.

“Guys you have reached the final session. You have got just one hurdle to clear.” He told us as we sat down. Here we go. “When the newbies came, I said that you wouldn’t have to tell your secret to the whole group... well I lied.” He continued. I am not even surprised. This is just so typical of him.

“Today, you will each show how far you’ve come by telling everyone in this group what happened to you. This will be the last step needed before you find complete closure.” He told us. “What if you don’t want to say what happened to you?” Someone called from the back. “Then you don’t get to go to the dance tonight.” Isaac replied with a grin. He’s really loving this. There was a collective groan but I remained silent. For some reason, I didn’t care who knew about what happened to me anymore.

“We’ll start with the people who came last year. Cory, why don’t you start?” Isaac said and Cory got up to move to the front. “Well, my step-father was a drug dealer. He used to spend his days abusing my mother and me when something went wrong with a deal. Life was hard because he refused to buy groceries with the money he earned and he forced my mum to quit her job. The only way I got food was when my friends bought me something from the cafeteria. When I was fifteen, I came home from school and found some money in my bedroom. I took it and spent it on the groceries and then made my mum a huge dinner.” He told us and paused.

“I remember the look of fear when my mum came into the kitchen and saw food. ‘Where did you get this from?’ I thought she would’ve been happy but she almost looked angry with me. Just as I was about to tell her, I heard my step-dad storm into the house and up the stairs. Then there was a big crash and he came running down to me asking me where his money was. I still remember his face when I told him I’d spent it. He went crazy and almost beat me to death. I had so many broken bones and the only reason I’m alive today is because my neighbours were getting suspicious of the noise and called the cops.” He went on. I sat there shocked. He had been through such hard times yet he smiled more than anyone.

“The thing that hurt me the most wasn’t the fact that I was put into hospital by a guy that was supposed to take care of my mother and me. No, I was hurt because my mum didn’t bother to stop him. She just sat there and watched. She wouldn’t even look at me in the hospital. I was moved away and placed in foster care after that but I was always withdrawn and didn’t trust anyone.” His voice was slightly bitter by this point.

“After coming here and making friends with many people last year, I had a different view on what happened. I realised that my step-father had a hold over her. I went to speak to her and found out that he had threatened her beforehand. She had tried to leave with me when I was young but he told her that if she tried it again, he would kill me. She said that it was like her worst nightmare coming to life when he went crazy that day and she felt paralysed. She became so disgusted with herself when she looked at my bruised face so she didn’t. I wouldn’t have spoken to my mum ever again if I hadn’t come to this retreat so I’m really grateful to all those who helped.” He finished with a grin and then sat down.

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