Fabian gets to sit shotgun again since it's easier for him to get in and out of the van with his crutches. The last of the two filming locations is a farm that Sebastian has told him they use to film the Wakandan scenes. The driveway leading to the farm is not the bumpiest road Fabian has ever been on but it makes his head pulse, which he has to close his eyes to try and combat, and his stomach roll faintly, so it's safe to say that he is thankful when they finally stop, having reached their destination.

He hears them opening the backdoor and getting out before one of them opens his door for him. He takes a deep breath to try and calm to slight nausea, before carefully swinging his legs out of the vehicle and stabilising himself on the crutches before moving away from the vehicle, thanking the crew member that has been driving them around today since he's the one that opened the door for him. Fabian follows the group of actors as they make their way to the area that is apparently for them to film in, having to focus on not tripping somehow working as an effective distraction from the pesky nausea and fatigued feeling.


Fabian is sitting in the shade provided by the vehicles that the crew got permission to move closer to the filming area for better access to equipment, in fact, he's sitting in the open doorway of the equipment van. He sips at the bottle of water a crew member handed him earlier - he has a sneaking suspicion that Sebastian asked her to hand the beverage to him - and takes a few deep, careful breaths as the nauseous feeling from earlier starts to act up a little more. His headache has also begun to get worse over the last half hour or so, but his stubbornness to not give Sebastian the satisfaction of saying he was right about something is keeping him from saying anything, or even showing any kind of response to how he's feeling, in case the Romanian notices.

When the nausea doesn't abate and his self-employed breathing techniques do nothing to help, he leans forward with his head in his hands, finally giving in to everything and allowing himself to react accordingly to just how bad he feels. Fabian knows that they always have a medic on-site, no matter what they're filming, in case they're needed for any reason but he decides to hold off alerting anyone or even looking for the on-duty medic, praying that it'll just pass. He can hear them still filming from where he is so he knows that they're all, especially Sebastian, distracted enough to have not noticed his current predicament.

He coughs as his stomach chooses that moment to churn suddenly, spitting out the acidic saliva he can feel building up in his mouth, already knowing where this is heading at this rate.

He pushes himself up then, grabbing his crutches and carrying his drink at the same time to move well out of the way of where they are filming. The vehicles are parked not far from the edge of the field which is marked off by a treeline, which is exactly what Fabian heads for since it's definitely far enough away to not disturb filming. When he reaches it, he discards the crutches to one side, leaning against the closest tree, pressing his forehead against his arm, feeling the nausea building and waiting for the crescendo to arrive so he can get it over with. He pushes himself to stand up properly when he hears one of the directors calling Sebastian, swaying slightly as his headache reacts violently to the reintroduction to sunlight when he lifts his head to see what's happening with Seb, dizziness swirling his coordination and vision momentarily. He barely manages to catch himself against the tree before he feels someone grab him, swinging his free arm over their shoulders and supporting him with an arm around his back.

"Damn it, Fabian." He groans pitifully to himself as he recognises the voice of his husband. The director's shout to Sebastian suddenly making more sense to him as he realises that Seb must have seen him and rushed over. "You should have told me. Or told someone at least."

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