10: into the light

366 22 59

okey folks i was gonna make u guys wait but then i got excited so here, another update :p enjoy~

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Midorikawa couldn't breathe. The floor was cold against his back, but the arms wrapped around him were protective and warm.


Red hair tickled the side of his face as he tried to move. Looking up, he could see the ongoing fight between the four other men, but it felt as if they were a million miles away. Everything was quiet, too quiet... was it them, or was it him?


Ah... was that his voice? He couldn't tell. Somehow he got free, but his eyes could see nothing but red. It was everywhere: on his hands, on his shirt, on Hiroto's hair...


Everything came crashing back at once, and immediately Midorikawa felt sick. What had this idiot done? He immediately sat up beside Hiroto's limp body and removed his suit jacket, but there was so much blood he couldn't see anything. Did the bullet even go through? He tried turning Hiroto's body over, but still couldn't get a good view. Noticing the knife nearby, the doctor hurriedly grabbed it and sliced the redhead's blood-soaked shirt open, fearing the worst.

"Owww..." A low groan startled Midorikawa so bad, he almost dropped the knife. Hiroto's mass of red hair shifted before he lifted his head from the floor, using his elbows as support. Pulling the remnants of his shirt off of himself, the redhead turned to a wide-eyed Midorikawa, showing him his still-intact bulletproof vest:

"Don't worry, I'm okay."

WHAT! NO! His conscience screamed as it thrashed around in the greenette's brain, trying to chase down the inner doctor, THIS IS NOT COOL! NOT COOL! DON'T YOU DARE THINK IT'S OKAY, DON'T YOU FREAKING DARE—

The voices in his head vanished as Midorikawa lunged forward and threw his arms around the redhead, burying his face in Hiroto's shoulder. All the anger, confusion and worry from before was gone, replaced by the overwhelming feeling of relief as his brain registered that yes, Hiroto was okay. He could faintly feel the redhead stiffen up; but very soon he relaxed into the embrace, putting a reassuring arm around the doctor's body. Midorikawa held his breath and listened: there was his heartbeat, loud and clear; his breath, steady; and the rumble of his chest as he whispered over and over again that the bullet did not go in, that he was alright. Thank goodness, thank goodness, thank goodness.

"Uh, are the lovebirds finished?" Nagumo's slightly crossed voice snapped him back to reality, and instantly Midorikawa reddened and let go. He looked over to the fight, only to discover that it had ended, and that the two attackers were nowhere to be seen. Nagumo was still frowning:

"Shadow and... that other guy got away. They just bolted. Probably received orders or something; they looked like they really wanted you dead, Gran. But you don't really care, right, 'cos wow it must feel so good to finally get out of the single zone—"

Suzuno smacked him loudly on the shoulder. As Nagumo scowled and turned away, the grayhead asked Hiroto:

"Should we go after them?"

"No, it's okay." With some difficulty, the red-haired man reached for his discarded suit jacket. He pulled out his phone and tossed it to Suzuno, who caught it effortlessly. "I put a tracker onto Shadow when he was busy being a sadist. He'll probably notice sooner than later, but we're good for now."

The grayhead glanced at the phone before passing it to Nagumo, who was still grumbling about something. Then, adjusting his clothes and collecting his weapons, he raised an eyebrow at Hiroto's shoulder:

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