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because it has been sooooooo long (6 months!) since i last updated, i shall provide you with a summary of the story so far. skip this part if you have superb memory :)

mids met and healed a dying hiro on a stormy night. learning that mids is a doctor in a popular hospital in the city, hiro asks him to find info related to recent cases of overdose. due to hiro receiving the info in an ungrateful way (and hanger), mids got mad and was about to walk out until hiro took him to breakfast. however, hiro became secretive when mids brought up his job, and left early.

fast forward 1 week, mids came home to a wounded and drunk hiro sleeping on his bed. after a small argument, hiro stood up to leave, but mids suddenly offered to take him to lunch. they went out to a street-food-market-y thing (lol im a writer i swear), and hiro took a phonecall while mids waited for the food. not even halfway into their bibimbap, hiro suddenly decided they need to leave. mids got mad and stopped him in an alley to ask for an explanation, but hiro gave a very crappy one, before using him as his plan B.

THEY KISS!!¡! and then mids slapped hiro and hiro ran off -.-

while mids was now at home, unable to think about anything else but their kiss, hiro was faced with the same situation but at a different location: on a car driving to a mysterious location with his friend suzu. suzu called hiro and his plan B dumb and tells him to not do it again in order to keep suzu's cover safe. and now we know nagusuzu is also a thing.

hiro has a briefing with reina, in which he gave a mission report. they and suzu discussed a sinister force that's working against them >:) then reina leaves and suzu has a convo with hiro, where he warns him to not make the choice (with mids). hiro brushes him off and leaves, but very soon he receives a text from nagu that tells him mids is in danger, and that he needs to come to NAGUSUZU HEAVEN (their apartment (which is next to mids's)) right now.

okay, you are good to go ùwú

* * *

Diiing dooong!

Midorikawa jerked awake, almost falling off of his couch altogether. Tiredly rubbing his eyes, he felt around for his phone, back aching from having fallen asleep in such a cramped space. Pressing the home button, he squinted wearily at the much-too-bright 9:05 PM on the screen. He didn't oversleep or anything, did he... No, Midorikawa was certain his next shift was at 2 AM. Then who would have any business with him at this hour? The doorbell rang again, more urgent this time.

"Coming!" The greenette shouted groggily, slightly irked that his precious rest was disturbed, and also at the thoughts that'd just popped into his head. It'd better not be that annoying redhead at the door right now... maybe Midorikawa could just slap him again to make him go away. No no, that's so mean... Hold up, when did you care? His conscience checked him right away. Clicking his tongue, the doctor shoved his thoughts aside and trudged to the door. He was just about to unlock it when his phone vibrated. Looking down at it, Midorikawa raised an eyebrow as he saw the caller ID.

"Midorikawa?!" Hiroto's voice was loud enough even without speaker mode; and somehow, hearing the redhead say his name so casually pissed the doctor off, so he stayed silent.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" Hiroto's voice rang through his livingroom again, and for a moment Midorikawa felt extremely awkward just standing there and staring at his phone, so he opened his mouth to reply; but remembering the events of the afternoon, he immediately shut his lips. A slight rustle could be heard from the other side, before an oddly familiar voice rose:

"What's happening?"

"He picked up... But he's not answering." The redhead sounded worried for real. "Shit, this is all my fault..."

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