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honolulu - last dinosaurs

Michael's POV

"Michael!" Violet called from upstairs. I was so excited to see her. We hardly saw each other this week, because we were both so busy. I'm glad she had Bea, but the more they hung out the less I got to see Violet.

"I'm down here!" I yelled, standing up. "Okay. Close your eyes, I've got a surprise." She said from doorway at the top of the stairs. "They're closed." I told her. I wondered what the surprise was. "Don't open yet." I heard her get closer. She pulled my arm, her hand going over my face so I couldn't peek.

"Alright. Go." she removed her hand, and my eyes shot open. "Oh my god." I looked at her, her usual dirty blonde hair now a dark chocolate shade. She looked so hot. "I finally did my hair, after months of complaining." "Your mom did it," she added. "It looks great." "Really?" "Yeah, I really like it." That was an understatement.

"Our costumes are great. I hope everyone sees us." She pulled open the bag, handing me a clear plastic bag. "Open it up." I pulled out the contents. A bright yellow shirt with brown stripes across it. "You're gonna be Pikachu." she smiled. "And what Pokemon do you plan to be?" I asked. "Right," she pulled out another bag. "I'm gonna be Ash." She smiled. "Oh my god," If there were any moment in time that I really wished Violet was my girlfriend, it would be now. "We're going to look great." she said, sitting down on the couch. I tried to hide my smile of satisfaction. Violet was dressing up with me, and not her boyfriend. I couldn't be more in love with her.

Violet's POV

"You are not paying for me." We always had this argument when we went out together. "Yes, I am, now shut up." "No you're not." "Do you let Ashton pay for you?" "I never go out with him." "All the more reason." "Michael, no." "Look!" his eyes got wide as he faced the door. I spun around, fearing my "friends" appearance. There was no one there. I turned around to the cashier handing Michael his change. "I hate you." "You're welcome." he smiled. I wouldn't mind hanging out with him forever.
"So, what do you plan to do when Ashton sees us together? He'll freak and I don't want to fight him in front of you." "How considerate. I don't care what he thinks, it's not like he'll be around me. Kate said he usually plays beer pong for most of the party, anyway." "That still doesn't mean he won't see us. He's gonna get the wrong idea." Or the right idea. "Honestly, I'm looking for a reason to break up with him." I admitted. I tried being with him. I tried as hard as I could, but it wasn't possible. I felt nothing when I looked at him, except doubt and disgust.

"Who was the last girl you dated?" I asked. "Um," "Jen. Bea's friend." "Why doesn't she come around anymore?" "Well, after we broke up, she didn't hang around anymore, thankfully. Finally her and Bea stopped talking too." "What did she look like?" I asked. "Do you expect me to have her picture in my wallet?" "You might." "Why do you want to know, anyway?" he questioned back. "I'm just curious." To see if she's prettier than me, duh. "You're always curious." "Deal with it," I laughed.
As we conversed, I tried to not be as obvious as Bea told me I was. I looked at him and felt a thousand different emotions, all of them leading to happiness and excitement. I hoped one day he would like me half as much as I liked him.

the story is about to go from 0 to 100 be prepared
if u have any questions comment & i'll elaborate

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