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relationships - friendly fires

Violets POV

Michael was the first one to experience one of my emotional breakdowns, and I resent that. He's not like Ashton. He brings comfort and kind words, and he's a great listener. Even though we've only been friends a short period, I feel close to him. It's like he's been there all along, opposed to my "friends" who have.

"Honestly, is it really a thing? Please say no." I said as we continue to eat. I was behind on trends, and the weight thing was obviously one. "Like a couple years ago girls got really big on this thing called a thigh gap, like where your thighs don't touch, it's kind of stupid but," he explained. "I got what I wanted, apparently." I said as I looked down. There was a little space between my legs, but not a lot. "Actually, the only way you can really have one is if your bone structure is built a certain way. But girls now don't really care." He can put on the bad boy front all he wants, but he's intelligent. "It's like this whole craze, magazines don't show regular sized people anymore. They give people unrealistic expectations of how someone's supposed to look." He added.

I could listen to him talk forever. He always said something interesting, and I never got that out of Ashton in the time I'd known him, (I could tell I never would.) Ashton has yet to even make me laugh. Can you believe that? My own "boyfriend" cannot make me laugh. It adds to the lists of reasons I know we aren't going to stay together, no matter how hard I try to force it. There's no connection.

"What else is big then? I see punk came back," I looked him up and down, smiling. "What do you mean came back? It never left." he argued, and I laughed, genuinely. I felt something when I was with him, and I pretended I was unsure of it. It's too early. I don't know if I'm so attracted to him because he's the first thing I remember, because I need a friend, or because he's so damn interesting. Whatever the reason, I felt something. I didn't sit beside of him and feel inferior, and he didn't remind me of my flaws.

"What are we doing after school today?" I asked, biting the straw of my drink. We sat across from each other in a booth in the corner. "We're gonna get food. Then we'll probably get frozen yogurt. I don't care after that." "Don't be alarmed. I eat a lot." he added, shoving a french fry into his mouth. "Lucky for you, I do too." "No salads?" he joked. "Not a chance."

"Violet, let's go. I have to stop by the office before we leave." Ashton said, putting his hand on my arm. "My dad is picking me up today. It's fine." "Oh. I'll text you then?" "Alright," I said as I shut my locker. I think he got the drift that I wasn't planning on kissing him goodbye. I also wasn't ready to tell him that I had more friends, it wouldn't be pretty. Yesterday I complimented a "freak" on her dress and I never heard the end of it. As much as everyone (excluding the vicious 'popular' crowd) hated Violet Cameron, I hated her more. The more I learned about myself the more frustrated I became.

I met Michael at the smoking corner, where I found myself meeting him frequently. I gripped the rail tightly as I went down the stairs, although I fell backwards last time and it would be impossible to fall the same way unless I started from the bottom and went up. It was still possible to fall.

"Ready?" I asked as I approached him, laying across the bench, a lit stick of poison hanging from his hand. "Yep." he sat up, walking to me. "So, Purple, where are we eating?" he asked as we walked towards his car. "What will I call you when you dye your hair again?" I asked. "How do you know that I'll dye it a different color?" he asked back. "I was told that you dye your hair a lot," I replied, stepping inside the vehicle. "That's true. However, what your friends tell you about me might not be fully true." "The same goes for me too, right?"


my wwa show was fab and 5sos were gr8 me and michael had matching hair

#miolet bye

twisted // michael clifford auHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin