The Room

35 3 6

January 5, 2019

Have you ever felt the undying feeling of someone watching you, or slowly reaching out to you?

Have you ever felt the need to fill an empty space that was never there to begin with?

Have you ever felt the fear and guilt of your sins and them coming back to haunt you?

When people ask themselves things like this, well, first off if you don't god bless you. If you do? Then you're screwed like the rest of us. Don't worry, it's mostly  normal to think like this. These feelings-- or rather sensations-- are often connected to depression or anxiety. You might not be wrong to think that, it's better safe than sorry, after all. Just... How am I going to explain THIS to one of the happiest communities out there?

Ok, to start us off, imagine a dark room. It's pitch black, and none of your senses seem to be working. You somehow also come to the conclusion that you are falling. Everything you have done in your life is presented around of you as some sort of circular file location. There are the memory files, the deleted memory files, the emotional files, the learned things in a certain period of time, sins, dreams & nightmares, etc.

Your Brain

Then, in front of you, you see your vessels' vision. Everything it can see, you can see. And there's no escape to it unless you are asleep, or...dead. In your vision, you see smiling blurred out figures, all joyously eating ice-cream outside on a sunny day. You then realize the room around you become brighter, and you feel a sense of peace, purity, calmness, happiness, you name it. 

You are filled.

 The place has a nice gray-ish, cream-ish, color. All your files still surrounding you. As your vision of the room fades out, you feel the need-- the urge-- to fill that gap. To fill the empty void once again.

 You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it. You need it...

...But you don't.

You can find other ways to feel loved, and you will. Then you begin your journey to find your true happiness.

But, that sadly rarely happens, now doesn't it?

Most of the time, people come across the lies that drugs will fill that gap, and then they become addicted. Sometimes, they start to cut themselves. Just because the apparent "reality" that no one ever said the gap had to be filled with bright emotions. It could also be filled with pain?

But trust me when I say, joy and happiness find their way, and when you least expect it, you're void will have found fulfillment.


This turned into some creepy therapy session in the span of one paragraph. That must be a new record! Well, I hope you enjoyed. Have a good one!

(512 Words)

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