She is Aoi, their driver. She's 18 years old, legal to drive.

Among 4 people in our group, she is the only one who doesn't have heterochromia eyes. Both of her eyes are blue.

"Hey, how are we gonna do this (C/N)?" The fourth member asked.

"Hey, how are we gonna do this (C/N)?" The fourth member asked

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Her code name is Chi, because of her red hair. She like to wear her headphone wherever she goes. Her eyes is also heterochromia, red colored right eye, and hazel colored left eye which is usually covered by her hair.

She and Aoi wore the same coat as (C/N) and Rain. But Chi wore another pants underneath, while Aoi isn't.

1st POV.

"We're gonna do this quick. We still have school tomorrow after all." I shrugged. Even though we are talented assassins, we still have to go under the radar.

I observed the area before saying "Rain, you are going to be our sniper. See that tower over there?" I pointed to the tower not to far from the warehouse.

She nodded.

"Alright, Aoi you're with me. We're gonna breach in the main door. Chi, see those containers over there?"

I pointed to the edge of the docks, and she nodded.

"I'm gonna give you a boost. Make your way to the warehouse."

"Got it."

(C/N): "Remember, the traitor will be inside with a small band of mercs."

Rain: "Expect at least 7 members."

(C/N): "Right. When me and Aoi have breached the door, Rain will provide sniper support, and Chi will provide backup by flanking them from the roof. It should have glass windows up there."

"""Understood!""" The three replied.

"Good. Drive us there, Aoi."

She start the engine and drive the humvee.

---5 minutes later---

She stopped the humvee near the docks. I went outside and opened the trunk with the rest following me.

"*Whistle* they sure gave us something more special." I'm clearly impressed. Inside the trunk were 4 cases.


There are connections between assassins and the company.

If the assassins decided to work for the company, they will supply us with guns. So, we work for them, and they will give us the equipments.

Be their attack dogs, and they will feed us.

The groups of assassins also allowed to take contracts outside the company. But, the group will have to share 20% of their profits with the company.

White Fox (Assassination Classroom X Male Reader) (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now