Chapter 22: The Iron Gronckle (Hiccup)

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        A gentle wind tossed my hair back and forth as we all flew in formation. I saw Astrid look back at Fishlegs, lagging behind the rest of the group for what looked like miles. We'd been trying to keep our speed on the slower side to not leave him behind, but we couldn't keep this up much longer, otherwise we'd miss our window. She grunted in frustration, before all of us rounded the corner, only to find the horizon before us blank. It was just the sea and the sky, no ship in sight.

"We missed it!" Snotlout cried, frustrated. With a sigh, I led the others around and had us land on the top of a sea spire.

"It was headed this way," Reign grunted. "It must've outrun us."

"How does an Outcast ship outrun our dragons?"

As if on cue, Fishlegs and Meatlug sputtered around the corner, landing with an aggressive, ground-shaking thud.

"That's how."

"Whoo! We were really moving, girl!" Fishlegs patted the back of his dragon, seemingly oblivious to what was going on around him. "What did we miss?"

"It's not what you missed, it's what we all missed!"

"Snotlout..." I cautioned.

"What? I'm just calling it like I see it," he protested. "If we didn't have slow, and really, really slow holding us back, I don't know- maybe we'd actually have a chance to do what we're supposed to be doing?"

"Snotlout, that's not-"

"That's a bit harsh," Reign interjected.

"Guys... he does have a point."

Reign and I exchanged a glance, her eyes sullen. I could tell Fishlegs' statement broke her heart, and I had to admit, it saddened me as well.


"No, it's no big deal, Hiccup. You guys keep looking." He was trying his best to keep his voice and facial expressions cheery as ever, but I could see the cracks beneath it. "Meatlug and I will circle back and... patrol the cliffs. Sure up the rear!"

"Are you sure about this?"


She looked back at me again, the cheery smile she usually wore on these sort of missions completely wiped from existence. I could tell she wanted to do something, but deep down, we both knew nothing either of us said could change his mind.

"Okay, um... well, use your dragon call if you spot anything."

"You know I will."

Everyone looked at each other, daring someone to move first. I knew I'd have to be the one, despite not wanting to leave Fishlegs behind. Soon as we took off, Reign moved her dragon right up next to Toothless, and her eyes refused to leave me. I slowly reached a hand out to rest on hers.

"We shouldn't have just left him," she sighed. "He's going to feel unimportant for the rest of his time on this team."

"I knew he'd just keep insisting he was fine, no matter what we said." Her expression shifted slightly, and I picked up on the readable disappointment. "Look, there's only so much I can do as a person."

"Yes, but as Hiccup Haddock, you can do more than your average person. I know you can."

I sighed, choosing to look forward again. She was right, I had to give her that. But when you're risking the safety of your island by waiting for just one person, there are other things you have to take into consideration.

A New World, ComplicatedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora